Pirating Goods Movie Internet Movies

Pirating goods A man walks into a movie theater buys a ticket and takes his seat. He sits in the back row as not to disturb anyone with his large hat. The movie finishes and one hour later I’m watching the movie “God bless the INTERNET” According to Hoovers online Business network more then 800 billion dollars was spent last year on Software, Music, Movies and games. Now that’s a lot of money. I’m going to show you how to download all those things that people spent 800 Billion dollars on last year for free. I know about piracy because movies and other such copyrighted items seem to materialize in my possession.

Well you already know how the process begins if you want to find out how it gets to the internet and even how to get it for yourself and save money then listen on. When that person got home he connected his video camera to a computer. Then he transferred the movie to his computer and the deed was done. All anyone would have to do now to get the movie was use a file sharing service similar to Napster and now they to have the movie.

And if two people get the movie from each person who has it and the cycle continues everyone who wants that movie and knows about the process will have it. Sounds easy doesn’t it? Well it is. File sharing has recently taken a new route with the addition of features, which allow us to not only share music, which we can still happily due, but also things like complete movies, pictures, and even programs. So anyone want the new windows operating system WINDOWS XP its their.

I know because I have it. And the best part is if you know how to use Napster you know how to use these programs. Now the best WEB SITE for finding such programs is web There you will find about 26 different Napster like services, which can be used to download music, pictures and yes movies. Whether classics like Clockwork Orange or brand new releases like The Score (which I happen to have and a side not for those of you planning to watch it DON’T) no matter what it is your guaranteed to find it somewhere on the internet. Once you have installed your program of choice I recommend WIN-MX I have found it the easiest to use and I find that it has one of the largest selections Well now that you ” ve heard the good its time to hear the bad pirating of copyrighted materials is illegal and because of the scope of the Internet, piracy is a federal crime because the Internet crosses state borders.

The penalties for downloading a movie aren’t that high you ” ll maybe get a small fine but if you plan to distribute those materials then plan on a stay of up to 10 years a federal facility. The Motion Picture Association of America estimates that video piracy costs studios more than $3. 6 billion a year. Those poor rich B-a-s-t-e-r-d-s, still that is a lot of money and if I was losing that kind of money I would be pretty pissed and try to stop it from happening so watch out. In conclusion if you want to see great movies and listen to great music for free download. Always look out for the big bad wolf (in other words don’t get caught And go forth download a be merry.