We are back in New Hampshire this week. Some of you may know I’ve had a nagging case of laryngitis. Even if my voice is weak, my message is strong: I am optimistic about the future of the American economy because I believe in Americans. But we need new leadership. Today I introduced my economic plan, Saving for America’s Future.
It is the first step to putting the economy back on the path of fiscal responsibility. It will save more than $2 trillion over ten years for deficit reduction and investing in priorities, like education and health care. By cutting the long-term deficit and jump-starting job creation, we will put our economy on the road to recovery. (see web) Here’s what the plan involves: We will recapture the revenue from the failed Bush tax plan by rolling back the cuts for the wealthiest Americans, those who make more than $200, 000 a year.
The plan would protect the repeal of the estate tax for small businesses and family farms to ensure that middle-class families get the benefit of lower taxes on dividends. We will end corporate welfare and close tax loopholes. We must stop giving companies the wrong incentives, which lead them to pursue handouts rather than productivity growth. We will promote a more effective and multilateral plan in Iraq. We will work more closely and effectively with our allies to get meaningful assistance from other countries.
We will streamline the government and work more efficiently. Let me be clear, I support every dime we need to keep America strong, but a military label doesn’t justify waste or inefficiency. We have to pay for proposals as we go. We can no longer afford to ignore the basic principles of fiscal responsibility.
We must meet our obligations in the future. In the coming weeks, I will outline my vision of a New American Patriotism as it relates to health care and national security. In the meantime, you can take a deeper look at our policy proposals at our website.