Poland Poland, a newly created country after World War I, is aligning themselves to any that will do the same. In 1934, the Polish government signed a security pact with Germany stating that I wouldn’t attack you, if you don’t attack me. This upset the balance of power France had tried to use against the German State. They had tried to form a security ring around Germany so that it wouldn’t dare attack anyone.
France already had a pact with Poland and felt that by Poland signing an agreement with Germany, they were playing a part in the bringing war. Hitler demanded from the Polish government an area of land that was in Poland that had a high German population. The Polish government would not give in, however, since any other time a country had given Germany’s demands, they were soon invaded. On August 30, 1939, Poland mobilized its armed forces and told them to be ready for battle. On August 31, we believe that German soldiers dressed as Polish soldiers attacked a German radio station on the German-Polish border. This was used to be the beginning of the German invasion of Poland.
In August of 1939, Hitler was ready to invade Poland. The date was then set for August 26. Hitler then turned towards Mussolini and Italy. They signed the Pact of Steel on May 22, 1939 in which each country had to help the other. Hitler had finalized all plans by signing the Nazi Soviet Pact. The Soviet-German Aggression Pact was signed in August 23 1939 with a secret agenda between Hitler and Stalin.
It seemed to all that Germany and the Union would be neutral friends. However, the pact said that Hitler would receive Western Europe while Stalin would receive the Baltic States. Germany was persuaded not to attack on the given date by the fact that Poland was commanded not to re mobilize their army until August 31 by the British-Polish treaty. Hitler decided however that on the dawn of September 1, 1939, he would invade and invade hard. Without a declaration of war, Germany moved it’s army, navy, and air force covering a 1, 250-mile frontier. On September 3, Britain issued a ultimatum that said a state of war would exist between Britain and Germany if Hitler did not withdraw his troops immediately.
France quickly followed the same day and the deadlines passed. With about 2, 800 tanks, 3, 100 planes, and countless soldiers, Germans quickly out powered the small Polish army of 32 infantry divisions, 11 cavalry brigades and one armored brigade. On September 17, Stalin’s Red Army invaded Poland and cut off any escape route to the east. Stalin then captured 200, 000 prisoners. Finally on September 27, 140, 000 remaining Polish soldiers surrendered. In October, Hitler annexed the Polish area of Cracow.
The master race rules were then instituted in this colony. The new rules stated that the Polish had to serve Germans first in shops and restaurants, get off the sidewalk when Germans passed and no Poles where allowed to speak to German women. The Warsaw ghetto uprising was when the citizens of the ghetto began an uprising from the encouragement of Polish communists. Two months of intense fighting between the Germans and Ghetto inmates ended when The German SS troops then took over and slaughtered nearly 200, 000 Poles.