When David and me began to research our topic, the political parties in the U. S. we soon got confronted with the lack of interest that the Americans have as soon as politics is concerned. In comparison with other western democracies like in Germany or in France, the interest in politics is very less in the U. S.
This graphic shows you how great the difference in voting are.
This raises us to a few questions. After our research we were able to make connections between the missing interest in politics and the political parties in the U. S.
But later about that.
In contrast to other western democracies like here in Germany the Americans have two . The Democrats and the Republicans.
These parties divvied the voters in two big slices which they share.
For Example:
After the 1998 elections, there was one lone representative in Congress who was elected as an independent, while only 20 of the more than 7, 300 state legislators elected were neither Republicans nor Democrats. It is the two major parties that organize the government at both the national and state levels
The way candidates are elected explains why two major parties have come to dominate the American political scene. Election are held according to the single-member district system, based on the principle “winner take all.”
That means that only one candidate, the one with the majority of the votes, is elected.
Many people will not vote for the minor parties.
The same as here in Germany, there are ideological differences between the parties.
But you have to recognize that there are not only differences between the parties these differences inside the party between members of a party are also very common.
The Unity inside of Parties like we are used to with the SPD or CDU is not present in the U. S.
But although the reasons for that is very clear and logical. take in your mind that during the 2000 presidential election 96, 4 % of the voters gave their votes to Bush or to Gore. A party with so many people can’t be unit.
But however their are differences between the parties.
The Democratic Party is considered to be the more liberal party, and the Republican, the more conservative
The best way to show you that is to watch this Graphic.
Here you can see how the Americans trust the two parties in different issues.