Pollution In Syria People Garbage Country

Syria is a beautiful country but there are some negative aspects about it that destroy its beauty. Some effects that give a bad impression about the country are environmental pollution, garbage, teenage problems, and children working at a young age. But the most important thing about Syria is that it is a safe country. There are many places in Syria where garbage is seen, but mostly in the poorer areas. Although there is a lot of garbage lying around, it is normal because that’s the situation in many cities in the world. There is more garbage in rural Syria and not as much as in the richer places where most of the people, I know, live.

Some places have been cleaned up to the extent that it does show great beauty but there are many others that aren’t taken care of. The lower class is the group of people that live in unclean and filthy areas. The houses in some areas are even piled on the sides with garbage. In some areas, burning the useless garbage was done instead of planting trees or building new houses. This might harm the people’s health and cause pollution. Diseases caused by the germs and bacteria are affecting some people living in such polluted areas.

Wastes may also be harmful because there might be health hazardous gases being sent off into the atmosphere from them. The people are the only ones that can solve this destructive and dangerous problem. In addition, people shouldn’t blame others for throwing garbage, because we are all responsible for this major problem. We started this problem and we people are the only ones who can solve. People shouldn’t throw garbage in a place already full of garbage thinking that it won’t matter. Instead, they should try to decrease the amount of pollution in their area.

Many teenagers these days have come to the hazardous habit of smoking many teens do it for fun or because they think that smoking makes them look cool an more grown-up. But there are also many others who are addicted. Smoking has become an everyday role in the teenagers mind. Another problem is drinking and drugs. The danger of that alone can cause many other problems, which usually result in accidents and harmful happenings. Many boys especially have nothing on their minds except girls.

In every country in the world there is this problem. Mostly in the Middle East, especially in Syria it is bad to the extent that girls cannot go out alone because people talk a lot. There are many lower class people who might annoy girls or women who are walking alone in the street. Not usually rape, but usually more of the usual word or two.

If there are men with the girls, no sort of hassling will happen. Many children of the poor families are not educated from their youth. Usually the children do attend school for a while but their parents, for some reason, pull them out at a very young age, to support their families by working. This shows many signs of child labor, and usually this happens from a very young age. This is a very common problem with children from poor families. In conclusion, our country is very beautiful if we can improve it by decreasing the amount of pollution in our environment.

Other social problems could be solved but they need a longer time. In general, we the Syrian citizens, can make our country a safer and more wonderful, clean, and brighter place.