Post World War I

Canadian pilots, who had come from the war, did not stop flying. Some brought planes back from the war and did stunts over fairs. 0 ther pilots got jobs as bush pilots. Mining & Oil companies needed ways to get people and supplies to remote areas. Bush pilots opened the doors of Northern Canada, by flying people and supplies to mineral- & oil-rich regions. The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) was established in 1924.

Early RCAF toke surveys, watched out for forest fires, patrolled for smuggler along Canada’s coasts & kept an eye on fishing boats. In 1927 the post office hired pilots to fly mail to remote communities within Canada. Wilfred “Wop” May, started his airline in Edmonton after the war. He did stunts over fairs & made some of the first flights to the arctic. In 1929, diphtheria broke out in Peace Water of Northern Alberta; a large number of people would die if medicines were not flown into the community. On hearing the news, May and a Co-pilot took off in the freezing temperature.

They took the medicine to the community, making the first miracle flight & proving the value of airplanes. By 1927, small carrier planes were carrying people from place to place, but there was no national air service. In 1927 a young American airmail pilot, Charles A. Lindbergh, completed the first transatlantic flight from New York to Paris, signaling the possibility of long distance air travel.

American investor wanted to set up transcontinental passenger service between Canada & the U. S. Commonwealth countries saw the possibility of a British network of passenger service a round the world. In 1937, the Canadian Minister of transportation, C.

D. Howe, decide to create an airlines owned by the Canadian government. He formed the Trans -Canada Airlines, which in 1964 became Air Canada.