The name of this auricle is titled DIVINE INTERVENTION: Can Prayer Get You Pregnant? This auricle was in Psychology Today Online. It took me several minutes to find the correct type of article to write about and explain what the details are in this piece. This article was under ‘Issue’s Health’s ection. This is a very controversial topic dealing between prayer and conception. A team from Colombia University was outstand ed to discover that woman’s chances of prayer appeared to double the chances of pregnancy in women undergoing in-vito fertilization treatments.
Women who were prayed for had a 50 percent pregnancy rate, compared with a 26 percent success rate among those for whom no one prayed. Prayer might not only hasten life but also stave off death, according to research from the University of California at Berkeley. A team there found that Christians and Jews who attended regular services lived longer and were less likely to die from circulatory, digestive and respiratory diseases. Devotees of Eastern religions were not surveyed. Prayer might not only hasten life but also stave off death, according to research from the University of California at Berkeley. A team there found that Christians and Jews who attended regular services lived longer and were less likely to die from circulatory, digestive and respiratory diseases.
Devotees of Eastern religions were not surveyed. I learned that prayer can have a powerful impact on how the mind operates. Prayer aides you through tough times and relieves some of the daily pressures of life. I’d this article to women that are trying to become pregnant but have failed numerous times. Keeping the faith is vital for the mind, body, and soul..