Premarital Sex One Marriage Sexual

The concept of love throughout history all comes down to relationships and intimacy. It is common knowledge that human beings, by nature, need to love and be loved. The love involved in any relationship can be seen through our relationships with the family, a boyfriend / girlfriend or just a close friend. The most important thing in any relationship is the way in which love is expressed and there are many ways in which it can be expressed, which include; kissing, intimate communication, hugging, holding hands and on a subconscious level, body language. However, the one form of expression that stands out above the rest is sex.

The topic for this presentation is the issue of and this report presents five different sections, which will look into the various aspects of premarital sex. These sections are: – Premarital sex, an introduction to those who don’t know. – The social ethics of premarital sex. – The religious ethics of premarital sex. – The benefits of premarital sex, and – The consequences of premarital sex.

Premarital sex is the act of sex before a specific couple is married. Western society’s attitudes towards sex have changed greatly. From a previously God fearing world, we have moved into the scientific era where most people look to science to explain the unexplainable. Contraceptive methods and the possibility of abortion have given much freedom to individuals who have just become adults. This idea of sexual freedom attracts many young adults because most of us have been sex educated since an early age. Even though premarital sex is widely practiced in the world today, it is still considered immoral, usually by the higher ranks of society, which are the older generations.

The reason it is considered immoral is mostly because of religious issues which claim that sex before marriage is a sin. Living in the modern age of science, most people are slowly moving away from religion and are seeking science to answer most of society’s problems. A survey was conducted in the process of the completion of this report, which produced some interesting figures. Out of the 50 people questioned, 49 stated that they had no problem with premarital sex, as long as it was done safely and properly.

The one person who disagreed with the issue stated his reason’s being the fact that his parents would “kill” him if they found out. Living in the modern era of the 21 st century has provided many benefits to human kind. The miraculous scientific technology that we have today has provided long life expectancies and hope for those who could not be previously cured. Therefore, the need to marry and to provide offspring, which was very important in the days of old, no longer apply and so there is a gap between the times a person reaches sexual maturity and marriage. Because marriage is being pushed further and further away, the idea of sex becomes increasingly attractive to teenagers, who see it as a pleasurable relief rather than just a method of reproduction.

This information is further expanded through this textual evidence: The “progress” of our modern world now demands long years of education and maturation before one is ready to marry wisely. Young people are sexually mature, ripe for love, years before they are prepared for the responsibilities of marriage. This elongation of adolescence puts a tremendous strain on young people, making chastity especially difficult. (web) Modern society has come to accept sex as a normal thing that happens everyday. Most see it this way because teenagers nowadays reach sexual maturity at a young age. The reason for this is because the gap between a teenager’s life and marriage is huge.

Most teenagers wouldn’t even consider marriage unless they were forced to. Society’s outlook on premarital sex is a very encouraging one. Most see sex a harmless exercise and can greatly benefit us. It is a great way to relieve stress, and also it is the pinnacle form of love expression. Though casual sex is widely practiced, it doesn’t deter from the fact that sex is healthy, It can keep us young and attractable and like most things, the more we do it, the more experience we get. We are now living in the age of contraceptives and better sex education.

Teenagers are being educated in the various types of STD’s that can be transferred through unsafe sex, and are encouraged to use contraceptives while having sex. Basically, sex is being advertised everyday, whether we realize it or not and most people have come to terms with sex and are unafraid of it. Premarital sex is often associated with teenagers because it is the new generation of teenagers who put aside religious values, in order to become part of the group. Most teenagers understand the concepts of sex and know that it is very pleasurable for them to conduct in sexual activities. The quote, “I have no problem with premarital sex, as long as it is done safely and both sides are willing to participate”, was taken from an on the phone interview which was conducted during the planning stage of this report. The person interviewed was a 15-year-old girl who had given birth to her first child almost two years ago.

She specifically implied that her only regret was having a child in her early teenage years, though she said that she does not regret having sex before marriage. One major factor encouraging the acceptance of premarital sex is the mass media. However, the problem is that sex is now being advertised so much through books and movies. Most of us have a seen a movie where the lead female character is wearing enticing clothes and in the end starts to kiss and make out with the other lead character. This situation is quite typical in most movies. Advertising uses sex appeal to influence the viewer in order to persuade them to purchase a certain product that is being advertised.

(Example included in the notes section of this report, refer to the table of contents) According to religion, premarital sex is a sin and should not be practiced. Most religious orders encourage the act of sex as a union between two souls and should not be taken lightly. In the Christian bible, we know that premarital sex is a sin through this passage: Run away from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.

(1 Corinthians 6: 18 – New Living Translation) The act of sexual intercourse has such a strong bonding effect that God describes engaging in it as bringing about such a union of a man and woman as for them to become, as it were, one flesh or one body. Through this textual evidence taken from the site web it is understood in Christian societies that the act of sex is a joining of two souls, and this privilege should only be the right of a married couple. Spiritually, having sex before marriage leads to the loss of soul, as according to scriptures, sex is the combining of two souls into one, and to have sex with more than one person diminishes the soul’s power. The bible states that all sins are bad but premarital sex is worse, this is seen here; “Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body; but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body” (I Corinthians 6: 18). According to the context of the old days, the forbidding of premarital sex made complete sense.

Back then the use of contraceptives was rare, and so a woman giving birth out of wed lock would be shunned, firstly because she couldn’t work, therefore not provide for her child, and also men were encouraged to marry virgins only. The problem that people today have is that they are already educated about the use of contraceptives and safe sex. There is now a possibility of abortion and a woman has an equal rights to that of a man in today’s society. From an article taken from the Internet, it clearly stated that premarital sex is an essential need in order for a marriage to be successful. The quote: “This theology (cohabitation before marriage) defies all common sense. It would require that people bind themselves to a lifetime commitment to have sex with only one person and to live their entire life as man and woman with only that person, without ever having had sex with that person or having lived with that person.” (web) This quote simply states the problems that someone could face if they didn’t participate in premarital sex.

Interpreted, the quote means that for a couple to wait until they are married before having sex, then they have sworn to have sex with only one person during their married life. The problem is that the most common factor in divorces today is the lack of sex, or the lack of creative sex, which means that one side or even both sides of a marriage, is bored with their sex lives. Premarital sex offers many benefits but there are just as many, if not more consequences to it. Physically, unsafe sex can transmit Sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis C.

These two diseases are very contagious and are common amongst the general STD’s of today. Another consequence of premarital sex would be the way in which society or a family would frown upon a girl getting pregnant out of wedlock. Although this is more acceptable than it has been in the past, it is still emotionally damaging for the pregnant girl to be shunned by her own family, which is the usual case for this kind of thing to happen. If a girl was found pregnant she would most likely be kicked out of the family and under worse or similar circumstances the girl might then commit suicide. Psychologically, casual premarital sex affects males more than it does females. Basically, once a teenage male has become accustomed to premarital sex, he prioritizes sex when he meets another person of the opposite gender.

A teenager would meet a girl and in his mind be thinking of the possibility of sex with this girl. The reason this becomes a bad thing is that the social attitudes of this specific teenager will become forever changed, and will always judge women in this manner. This information was taken from a psychological module from the “Yaya san Kita counselling center.” Socially, premarital sex can be a consequence to females who become used to sex. The problem is that society will see that she has “slept around” and judge her and name her a so-called “whore” even though this might not necessarily be true. This problem doesn’t apply to males; in fact the reaction of society to males is the exact opposite. Premarital sex is not an illegal thing, merely immoral according to scripture.

Like most things in life it has benefits and consequences, and it should be left to the individual to decide their own fate. Religiously premarital sex is a sin, and socially, in modern society it has become acceptable. The mass media openly advertises sex, whether it was in a movie or a car show with women wearing tight outfits in front of the advertised cars. The use of the sex appeal image is to entice the viewers to become more interested in a specific product. Examples of this are included in the after notes of this report. Premarital can generate experience which can be used during the marriage, but if taken lightly, premarital sex has devastating consequences, both psychologically and physically such as STD’s and the loss of soul.

Personally I have no problem with most aspects of premarital sex. What I mean by most is that if we define the term premarital sex, it simply means the sexual behavior between individuals prior to marriage. While this definition seems fairly straightforward, “sexual behavior” is very open ended. It could mean anything from casual dancing, kissing, or even the actual act of intercourse. As the writer of this report I have no major concern with any of these aspects and I openly recommend that premarital sex should be the decision of the individual, and should be done safely and securely. Therefore, as the conclusion for this report, the idea of premarital sex is not a legal issue; it is merely a moral issue where individuals have to decide for themselves..