President Clinton And Sexual Discrimination

Sexual discrimination is still alive and well in America. Despite efforts to eradicate it, stereotypes and abuse make it difficult to distinguish. It has gotten so bad that, even at the highest levels of society it occurs. There have been many political cases that have raised considerable concern about this issue one such case involved the presidency of , a man that raised public outrage because of his actions but who somehow was able to hold on to the reigns of his presidency.

Clinton should have been impeached because he destroyed the ideal that is expected of a loyal, powerful and honest President; he is a bad example of Americans at home and abroad; he also lied under oath. Some people would excuse Bill Clinton’s behavior saying that he had a bad marriage or that he is still just an average man who is entitled to make mistakes. However, as President we expect that he would live up to the ideal of a moral leader; to be fair and ethical, unfortunately he sank below the average man. Clinton being the leader of America should have thought about what he was doing. He has to set an example for the Americans, by committing this act; he is telling people that he cannot be a fair and ethical leader.

A leader who would punish those who commit acts like this or even punish himself is a true leader. Similarly a President should be one who shows the world that men and women are equal but Clinton’s affair with Monica completely contradicts this paradigm, he thought of her as a young woman and one who is subordinate to him within the organization. Clinton’s main objective was that he was the dominant male and that he can get whatever he wants. Also a majority of high positions in the government are held by men, which indeed would seem beneficial to him. One thing that Bill Clinton did that would absolutely destroy the ideals of a president would be that, he allegedly encouraged Monica to lie about the involvement between them both; and he had also told his colleagues to lie to the jury in order for him to be acquitted. It is obvious here that Bill Clinton failed to live up to the standards of an ideal, moral, ethical leader.

As an ideal, Clinton is a familiar at home and abroad. It must be embarrassing to Americans to have to admit their president is an immoral man, who is controlled by lust rather than the well being of his own country? The Clinton scandal was known by the entire world, he was seen as a man who they should not trust or trade with. At home how can one teach one’s children to admire such a man? How can parents tell their children not to commit acts like this, when the leader of their country is committing them, the man who is supposed to protect its people? Why would anyone want their child to admire him at all? He should have voluntarily left office, rather than embarrass his whole country. It would have seemed a better thing to do.

People would know that he had actually committed the crime but maybe people could at least tell their children that he did commit those crimes but now he is paying for them because he understands what he has done was wrong. It is therefore, okay to commit an act then turn yourself in rather then lie about an act committed, the route Mr. Clinton obviously took instead. Clinton lied about his affair. Bill Clinton being a man who is admired and discussed at home and aboard should act in a certain way. Most Importantly Clinton should have been impeached for lying under oath.

He was first convicted for two charges one for lying to the grand jury and the other for obstruction of justice. Lying about the nature of his relationships with Monica Lewinsky while being videotaped in front of the whole world is wrong. What example is the President showing when he lies to the grand jury. As they always say one small lie will in turn lead to bigger lies. Clinton is just telling people and other leaders, that he is a man that would lie to get himself out of trouble. Finally Impeachment should have been done on Bill Clinton for lying under oath, which indeed should not occur under any circumstances.

Sexual discrimination is still apparent. It has been difficult to distinguish; it is so bad that it has gone to the point that it occurs in high levels of society. Clinton’s Scandal seemed to be a good example of an abuse of power. A power that overwhelmed him so much to the point where he felt he could do whatever he wanted even if it meant lying.

The President having affairs with a young intern. Then finally getting away with what he did is wrong.