Princess Dianna Diana Charity Didnt

Princess Diana was bor in into an aristocratic family in England. Her parent never showed any love or affection for her or her younger/ older borhters and sisters. Ahead of Diana there wre two girls and she also had a younger brother. She was sent away to a private school at the age of 6 while her mother, Frances Spencer left her father for a richer more popular man. Diana didnt seem to be upset with the divorce since she didnt know her parents all that well anyway. At the boarding shool Diana never seemed interested in Reading, Writing, or any typical schooling subjects.

, She was always more into Swimming dancing and extra-curricular subjects. As she got older she began getting more and more involved with charity work. Then she met Prince William at a pollo tournament he invited her to. After the game they talked and talked and immediatly hit it off. Not long after they were married and gave birth to two sons. One oif her fist charity works was to sell all of her gowns and donate all of the money to those sick with AIDS, her oldest son suggested this.

People often commented that Diana was never put off by the smell or sight of disease, and that she always managed to look past them. Diana s hooked the world when she shook the hand of an aides patient. She was an extrodenary women. The on August 28 th 1998 she died in a car accidie try her drunken limo driver and died the next morning. Princess Diana will and forever be none as “The Worlds Princess.”.