Kicking the Habit
Everyone has some type of bad habit. Now granted, some people have less than others and some are more
destructive than others. More importantly there are two types of bad habits that everyone needs to recognize; the habits that are known and the habits which are unknown. Regardless of the type, bad habits usually hinder an individual from living a long happy, healthy and successful life. Eventually all habits will become automatic. Often they are carried out subconsciously.
Seldom do people realize bad habits are consequently harmful until health, friends, and entire families have left them. Their ludicrous and selfish actions need to stop for the benefit and health of everyone. Now taking into account the several steps to eliminate bad habits from personal lives there are only three that are so crucial. These are identifying the habit, taking action with support, if needed and being persistent.
The first step is to personally identify the bad habit. If the habit is unknown ask someone who is at least a friend to expose it.
Make certain they are open, honest and trust worthy. Although obtaining the courage to ask, may be difficult and embarrassing ask anyway because it is easier to end it now rather than later. Be gracious and do not be defensive once they have shared their opinions. Now these habits will be the known habits, the habits good friends and family members have noticed for years and were waiting to tell you about. These known habits are sometimes the toughest to discuss because to a great extent they affect family and friends more, while pride stands in the way. However before one plans on breaking a bad habit there must be a strong personal motive for change in the first place.
Removing unwanted habits not only influence lifestyle change they also may cause more bad habits to emerge. Some people, believe it or not, want bad habits to stick around. Throughout the world there have been fathers who have chosen alcohol over their children and families. People who over indulge themselves while sick to their stomachs and the smokers who continue smoking after watching their parents die of emphysema. These people don’t really care or want to end their bad habits. They’d rather upset the individuals who love and
are close to them than to quit.
These individuals need go into the deep recesses of their heart and ask themselves, “Do I really want to give this up?” When considering freedom from a bad habit, the individual must understand the true reasoning behind starting the habit in the first place. They must ask themselves is this habit an effective means of dealing with feelings of boredom, anxiety, stress, and anger, or is it just for fun? According to Mallow’s laws, true wellness consists of a balance between self-actualization, self-esteem, belonging, security, and survival. Imbalance in any one area is adequate foundation for possible failure. Positive thinking and the ability to be open and honest is essential in stopping all bad habits.
Think of all the simple alternative healthy tasks to do in place of the bad habit. Now consider the activities that are positive and the affective way’s dealing with these negative feelings or situations. Once truly convinced these bad habits are detrimental to health, family, and friends, its time to put a plan into place, and move toward to the next step in eliminating the bad habit.
The second step is compiling a list of all the reasons why quit the habit in the first place. Write down only positive statements starting with the most powerful and dramatic reason ascending to the least important. Now memorize these reasons and put them deep into the subconscious mind.
Make connections between stopping the bad behavior with good behavior and the rewards everyone will receive after doing so. For instance, if someone wants to lose weight, they need to picture being slim and looking good in exciting new fashions. If a person wants to stop smoking, he needs to imagine his wife actually kissing him instead of sending him to the bathroom to brush his teeth! Once a person has written the information down, it comes down to one thing and one thing only; an act of the will or willpower. Each person should attempt to choose what is right for his or her circumstances, and seek further positive reinforcement throughout the day. They need to constantly and consistently talk to themselves saying .”.. I am choosing to stop…
.” Eisenhower once said, “The history of free men is written not by chance but by choice, their choice.” It is a choice. There are two philosophies to consider when actually trying to quit a bad habit, both can be very tricky. One theory is to take, massive action, “It must go, all or nothing.” Using weight loss for example, a person would go and spend $500 to join a gym, rework their schedule, and hit the treadmill everyday for a year. They will get rid of all fattening foods in their house and go nuts trying to loose weight.
Keep in mind what works for some will not always work for others. Many of these people will suffer from burnout, feel like failures, and be worse off than before. On the other hand if people can’t go full out, they need to start slowly, taking baby steps, while working diligently toward a planned, measurable and obtainable goal. Perhaps, they could start by walking one mile a day, and then gradually move up to three. After trying these methods a couple weeks, an assessment needs to made as to how successful the regimen is, making alterations as needed. Remember reaching a personal goal is a long, hard process.
If problems arise when progressing toward the goal seek support and sound advice by reading books, magazines and the internet on how to help kick this habit from others who have been there. This may sound embarrassing but it helps to build willpower. If that doesn’t work join a support group or go a church where strength can be drawn from a higher power. If all these fail try hypnosis, professional therapy, or medications to help deal better with the frustrations and pain of quitting the bad habit.
Lastly and inevitably most people will have setbacks or fail in their attempt to quit. The key is to look at these as set backs, not turn backs! Quickly pick up the new behavior and get going again.
Even though the new habit may feel like a long hard road to successfully, there is always the way of cutting back. This can be thought of as an additional option, while procrastinating at the same time. If a person tends to routinely put things off, then gradually stopping is right method. Always remember that quitting cold turkey is all about self-discipline, and most people don’t have much of that. So don’t forget to tell somebody, a friend, or an accountability partner about your problem and goal. Write down the reasons for quitting again, and assess your progression on a regular basis.
Some people may want to lose 30 pounds and after losing fifteen they eat a gallon of ice cream, feel bad, and give up. Don’t give up. Keep on going. Also resist the urge of postponing the goal for another two weeks.
Do it now. Whatever happens; never give up. Get back on top and keep the fight going. If failure happens then chalk it off to experience! Say out loud, “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.” Focus on the small tasks with small victories and plan a big celebration when the bad habit is gone for good. After winning any small victory, always give a reward. That’s right; everyone should regularly seek rewards by giving him or herself a word of congratulations or a gift.
Make it something special, but do not give anything that compromises in the partaking of the habit itself. Finally spread the word, scream it from the hill tops and tell everyone, friends and family members alike about your victories. This will build remarkable self-respect and confidence.
Being the respectful, confident and intelligent people that have ever walked the face of this earth one can clearly see how difficult breaking a bad habit can be. Bad habits are automatic behaviors that can be changed with patience and perseverance. Consider these important skills when trying to eliminate bad habits from lives for good.
First be honestly motivated when identifying habits and consider all wants, dreams and desires. Next, take the necessary action by doing new things that turn ideals and hazardous actions around. In other words change the way the thinking process began in the first place. Then transform your lifestyle and begin living free. Do these things while seeking additional support if needed in order to be successful. Finally do not give up, be consistent and stay motivated.
Remember the average habit takes thirty days to break, so don’t expect a miracle overnight. Before long the bad habit will be forgotten and life will be better, happier, healthier and more prosperous. Good luck!