When I became a stylist at “Professional Hair Weaving by Julie,” the job was not as I had dreamed it would be. I began dreaming of becoming a hairstylist at the age of fourteen. I used to picture myself styling wigs, hairpieces, and applying hair extensions to people in the entertainment field. Most of my styling experience came from my natural ability and practicing different styles on my mother’s wigs and hairpieces; however, that was not enough to feed the hunger I had to learn more about hair replacement. When my husband and I moved to California, I got a job at “Professional Hair Weaving by Julie” as a hair replacement stylist. My employment there included on-the-job training on walk-in clients.
I thought I would be happy learning from Julie, but I found I was spending a great deal of time on my own. I learned how be an excellent hair replacement stylist from my mistakes and asking for help from my coworkers. Also, my scheduled hours at the salon kept increasing because Julie was greedy for money. My work not only included hair replacement, but also included cleaning the salon. My disappointment with Julie continued to escalate when my complaints were never addressed or resolved.
After much thought, I decided to quit my job at Professional Hair Weaving to start my own salon business. I was too overworked at that salon. Julie always wanted me to eat my lunch on the premises in order to service clients that wanted to get their hair done on their lunch break. This arrangement was the start of many disagreements I would have with her concerning my employment there. Because Julie sometimes would moved my lunch hour as late as 4 p.
m. , I was usually tired, and as a result, I did not work at my best. Moreover, I cleaned bathrooms, emptied wastebaskets, vacuumed rugs, and balanced account books before closing the shop at night. My biggest disappointment I experienced was the day Julie broke her promise to allow me to work a half-day. I had made arrangements three weeks earlier to work a half-day in order to spend time with my brother Johnny who was visiting from Boston, Massachusetts. Our meeting had to be canceled because I had too many clients to deal with that day.
Besides the overworked schedule, I did not like Julie’s attitude. Sometimes Julie would criticize me in front of my clients if I took to long styling their hair. Also, she seized the opportunity to compare me with her veteran stylists who had more experience than me. Every time we had our weekly staff meetings her attitude towards my progress was negative, Julie felt I was learning to slowly. I would have to remind Julie that she had stopped training me, and that I had practically trained myself.
In addition, I had to deal with my client’s complaints when they were not satisfied with the quality of their hair extensions. Damaged extensions are not always the client’s fault. Sometimes the extensions are damaged by the manufacturers. But Julie rarely took this matter into consideration, she would try not to honor their guarantee agreement. This always led Julie and I into a heated discussion sometimes in front of my clients. Then we would end up not talking to each other for the rest of that day.
I decided that the time had come for me to quit Professional Hair Weaving and start my own hair replacement business. The motivation I once had when I started working here was gone. I worked my two weeks that I had promised Julie, and said my good-byes forever. Finally, what I had learned from Julie was worth all the aggravation she put me through. Also, I learned how to address my client’s problems and honor their guarantee agreements.
This experience has taught me that I can survive anything if I want to, and today I have a thriving business.