Pythagoras of Samos is often described as the first pure mathematician. He is an extremely important figure in the development of mathematics yet we know relatively little about his mathematical achievements. Unlike many later Greek mathematicians, where at least we have some of the books which they wrote, we have nothing of Pythagoras’s writings. The society which he led, half religious and half scientific, followed a code of secrecy which certainly means that today Pythagoras is a mysterious figure. We do have details of Pythagoras’s life from early biographies which use important original sources yet are written by authors who attribute divine powers to him, and whose aim was to present him as a god-like figure. What we present below is an attempt to collect together the most reliable sources to reconstruct an account of Pythagoras’s life.
There is fairly good agreement on the main events of his life but most of the dates are disputed with different scholars giving dates which differ by 20 years. Some historians treat all this information as merely legends but, even if the reader treats it in this way, being such an early record it is of historical importance. Pythagoras believed that all relations could be reduced to number relations. As Aristotle wrote: The Pythagorean… having been brought up in the study of mathematics, thought that things are numbers… and that the whole cosmos is a scale and a number.
Pythagoras studied properties of numbers which would be familiar to mathematicians today, such as even and odd numbers, triangular numbers, perfect numbers etc. However to Pythagoras numbers had personalities which we hardly recognise as mathematics today: Each number had its own personality – masculine or feminine, perfect or incomplete, beautiful or ugly. This feeling modern mathematics has deliberately eliminated, but we still find overtones of it in fiction and poetry. Ten was the very best number: it contained in itself the first four integers – one, two, three, and four [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10] – and these written in dot notation formed a perfect triangle. Proclus, writing of geometry, said: I emulate the Pythagorean’s who even had a conventional phrase to express what I mean “a figure and a platform, not a figure and a sixpence”, by which they implied that the geometry which is deserving of study is that which, at each new theorem, sets up a platform to ascend by, and lifts the soul on high instead of allowing it to go down among the sensible objects and so become subservient to the common needs of this mortal life.
When naming polygons, for the “numerical” part of the name, we use the Greek prefixes: mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, ennead eca, hen deca, do deca, triskaideca, tetrakaideca, … , enneakaideca, 10 11 12 13 14 19 icos a, icosikaihena, icosikaidi, icosikaitri, … , icosikaiennea, 20 21 22 23 29 tria conta, triacontakaihena, … , triacontakaiennea, tetra conta, … , 30 31 39 40 penta conta, hexaconta, heptaconta, octa conta, enneaconta, hepta 50 60 70 80 90 100 Names of Polygons 1 mono gon 2 dig on 3 trigon, triangle 4 tetragon, quadrilateral 5 pentagon 6 hexagon 7 heptagon 8 octagon 9 enneagon 10 decagon 11 hendecagon 12 dodecagon 13 triskaidecagon 14 tetrakaidecagon, tetra decagon 15 pentakaidecagon, penta decagon 16 hexakaidecagon, hexadecagon 17 heptakaidecagon 18 octakaidecagon 19 enneakaidecagon 20 icos agon 21 icosikaihenagon, icosihenagon 22 icosikaidigon 23 icosikaitrigon 24 icosikaitetragon 25 icosikaipentagon 26 icosikaihexagon 27 icosikaiheptagon 28 icosikaioctagon 29 icosikaienneagon 30 triacontagon 31 triacontakaihenagon 32 triacontakaidigon 33 triacontakaitrigon 34 triacontakaitetragon 35 triacontakaipentagon 36 triacontakaihexagon 37 triacontakaiheptagon 38 triacontakaioctagon 39 triacontakaienneagon 40 tetracontagon 41 tetracontakaihenagon 42 tetracontakaidigon 43 tetracontakaitrigon 44 tetracontakaitetragon 45 tetracontakaipentagon 46 tetracontakaihexagon 47 tetracontakaiheptagon 48 tetracontakaioctagon 49 tetracontakaienneagon 50 pentacontagon… 60 hexacontagon…
70 heptacontagon… 80 octacontagon… 90 enneacontagon… 100 hectogon, hecatontagon 1000 chili agon 10000 myriagon The “gon” has an interesting etymology: it is ultimately derived from the Greek word “gone” for “knee”, which they transferred to “angle.” Naming Polyhedra The “he dron” in “polyhedron” is also an Greek word, meaning “seat.” In accordance with Grimm’s law, the “h” in Greek corresponds to “s” in English, while “d” may soften to “t” and “p” or “b” to “f” or “v.” So look: penta = five hexa = six hepta = seven In summary, a “polygon” is a thing with many an cles (go nies), and a “polyhedron” a thing with many places (e dres). is the recreation of and is an ancient Greek board game at the Pythagoras era.
Board games (petties) have been played in most cultures and societies throughout history; some even pre-date literacy skill development in the earliest civilizations. A number of important historical sites, artifacts and documents exist which shed light on early board games. A board game is a game played with counters or pieces that are placed on, removed from, or moved across a “board” (a p remarked surface, usually specific to that game). Simple board games often make ideal “family entertainment” since they are often appropriate for all ages. Some board games, such as chess, go (wei qi), xiang qi (Chinese chess), shoji, or ow are, have intense strategic value and have been classics for centuries.
Ancient Greeks invent the board games (petties) and the most famous was “Pessoi” in many eras and with many differences. Pythagoras Ancient Hellenic Board Game is the recreation of the Pythagorean Pessoi. This is a real ancient game from ancient Hellas with boards. There is one board.
There are 2-6 players. Each player has pawns. Pawns must have the signs of ancient Greek letters. Also there are three dice with ancient Greek shapes on them. The player with the highest die roll plays first. All pawns must enter the board make a word.
So the board game Pythagoras Ancient Hellenic Board Game has the following items: 1. A Colorful Board. 2. Pawns / letters different in colour and shape for each of the players. 3.
One to Tree dices with different shape each one. 4. Many other items. Of course there is a book with some information for this game with many photos from ancient Greece. (The island of the Gods). Although many board games have a jargon all their own, there is a generalized terminology to describe the archegonal concepts applicable to basic game mechanics and attributes common to nearly all board games.
Gameboard or Board – the (usually quadrilateral) surface on which one plays a board game; the namesake of the boardgame, gameboard are a necessary and sufficient condition of the genre Game Piece (or token or bit) – a player’s representative on the game board. Each player may control one or more game pieces. In some games that involve commanding multiple game pieces, such as chess, certain pieces have unique designations and capabilities within the parameters of the game; in others, such as Go, all pieces controlled by a player have the same essential capabilities. Jump – to bypass one or more game pieces and / or spaces.
Depending on the context, jumping may also involve capturing or conquering an opponent’s game piece. Space or Square – a physical unit of progress on a gameboard delimited by a distinct border. Web page: web > Gregory (Grigori os) Zorzos web > web > web > web > P. O.
Box 75070 GR-17610 Kallithea Athens-Greece.