Diane Kenyon is the author of this story and from the context, we learned that Kenyon is a freelance lecturer, tutor, and writer, and also profoundly deaf. This story talks about the experiences she has been through being deaf, and the solution she hopes to find its way one day. This story is told by a first-person perspective and its opinions are very one sided. She uses a very “annoyed” tone in her story because that’s how she feels from the reaction she gets when someone meets her and finds out she’s deaf for the first time. I think the sentence that describes the theme the most would have to be the first sentence of the story.
She wrote, “Most hearing people perceive deafness as a medical problem to be cured, but the pill has their name on it!” What she meant was that people who are not deaf thinks that deafness will one day be cured through technology and science, but the only way this condition could be cured for good is by the help and cooperation of the people around. An example of how the people can help is by talking slower and moves their lips as they speak so she could translate and help her understand better. The layout of this story is very different from traditional stories. This one has a lot of italicized sentences. Those sentences are to represent the reactions of the people who first found out when they met Diane that she’s deaf. The un-italicized sentence that follows it represents Diane’s thoughts towards the different reactions.
Hence the title, Reaction – Interaction. In the end, Diane talks how she lives in this world just like everyone else, and even though she might have deafness conditions which can be a disadvantage in the daily life, she is determined to achieve her goals. She ” ll carry on life making her a stronger person everyday and hopefully setting an example to the new generation of deaf people.