Religions Impact On Americas Government

Since the formation of human existence there has always been a form of government. Whether it was just one man ruling or a group of rulers, we have always been controlled by some other force. Today our government has been compiled through the very first settlers of the colonies, escaping the harsh punishments of their government and religion. However, the government that we follow today is based upon religion. The Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics all contributed to the development of America’s government. The Puritans left England to escape the horrible punishments of religious persecution.

In light of coming to the New England, they hoped that England would follow the way of their church. Settling mainly in the state of Massachusetts, they felt that church should be a part of the government. When the time came for each state to write their own constitutions, deciding how each state should be governed, religion became an overall deciding basis. For example, the puritans believed that religion was an essential factor for happiness and order. After three years, the final draft was submitted which included Article Three. This stated that religious tax was to be directed by taxpayer’s choice.

Puritans full agreed that religion should be in the state. However, they contradict idly, persecuted many Quakers for their beliefs. The Quakers came to Pennsylvania in 1685 after about 10, 000 had been sent to jail, due to the Church of England feeling their beliefs were unorthodox. They believed much of the same ideas as Puritans but, expanded their ideas.

The Quakers didn’t believe in forcing religion upon society. However Quakers were extreme abolitionists. They had freedom of religion and felt it was their duty to make sure all had those same freedoms. Thus spreading the word of abolitionism, which aided in the Civil War and the Amendments regarding civil rights (but slavery was not the cause of the Civil War).

However, it was a great propaganda tool for the north. Quakers also promoted this idea to stir up fervor, against the non slave holders in the south. This created a moral basis for a reason of war. The Roman Catholics although differing from the Puritans in belief, came to America for the same reason and even the same group: England and the Anglican Church. In doing so they ensured freedoms of religion was granted to all. This is another reason for the equal representation in the Senate or legislative branch.

Thus allowing people from every background to be present and have an equal say. The system of checks and balances also derived from the Catholic Church. In Venice, St. Marks Cathedral was so rich, corruption was at every turn, but their government had three branches. The Catholic Church served as the Supreme court, to ensure that no one group was overpowering another. However, the church was not in it for itself, but only to act as judges at the people’s discretion.

America was founded on the principle of religious freedom, not only freedom of religion, but freedom from religion. Despite what we believe our government is and always has been based on a form of religious belief. In school we say the pledge everyday, reciting a nation under god. When we buy something at the store, the bill we give states in God we trust. Our presidents followed religion in farewell addresses. Since day one the way the government is set up, is based upon a belief of religion.

Religion is at every corner of every street.