Remembrance Compared And Contacted To Wuthering Heights

The poem “Remembrance” and the character Heathcliff from the novel Wuthering Heights have a lot in common. The poem “Remembrance” deals with a man who has just lost his lover that he has loved since his youth. In the novel Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff loves Catherine since they first met and also has a youth love. As they grow older Catherine leaves to be with Edgar and than dies after giving birth.

Heathcliff is saddened by this and becomes depressed. In “Remembrance” the man loses his lover but does become depressed. Another difference between the two men is that Heathcliff stops eating and kills himself. Even though the two men have differences, there is also many things alike. They both have loves and relationships that start in their youth.

Also when the lovers dies they both miss them much and wish for them to come back. Finally, they are both saddened by the lost of their lovers and do not how to go on living at first. Eventually the man in “Remembrance” starts to cope with it likewise, Heathcliff commits suicide. That is the only way these two men are different in coping with the death process.

Heathcliff lets it eat at his soul and he becomes consumed with all these emotions at once and does not how to deal and does not want to deal with them. The man in the poem feels all the same emotions but he learns to cope with them and carefully go through each one instead of letting them all flood into him at once.