In A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, many characters are given second chances as their lives are resurrected. The central heroine woman, Lucy Manette, is responsible for the resurrections of and Dr. Alexander Manette’s lives. She gives them inspiration and love to help them recover from their seemingly hopeless states. In turn, Carton gives up his own life in order to save a friend.
The lives of Sydney Carton, Dr. Manette, and Charles Darnay are all resurrected at times when hope is lost. Lucie Manette is a compassionate and benevolent character that aids in the resurrection of Sydney Carton and Dr. Manette. At the beginning of the book Lucie is only 17, but maturity beyond her age is reflected in her character.
She is the ideal Victorian lady, perfect in every way. Lucie is gorgeous, with long, beautiful golden hair. She is very positive and unselfish, always willing to help others. Her wonderfully kind and sympathetic nature causes the men to fall in love with her.
She doesn’t look down upon anyone and sees the best in who some may see the worst. These qualities in Lucy are what make possible the resurrections of Sydney Carton and Dr. Manette’s lives. Dr. Alexander Manette’s life is resurrected by his daughter, Lucie, after he is rescued from prison.
Dr. Manette was imprisoned in the Bastille for 18 years, driving him to insanity. He was jailed because he knew information that the Marquis St. Evremonde did not want to get out.
He is saved when the Defarges get him out of the Bastille and bring him to their wine shop, where he is then picked up by his daughter and family friend, Mr. Lorry. At the time they bring Dr. Manette back to his house, he is insane. He refers to himself as “One Hundred and Five, North Tower,” his prison cell number. He knows of nothing other than his prison life and frequently reverts to busily making shoes, a hobby he picked up while jailed.
He is completely incapable of functioning in the outside world, having entirely forgotten what life outside of prison is like. Lucie loves him unconditionally and helps him regain his sanity. Dr. Manette recovers gradually with the help of family and friends. It is a long process, but Lucie is dedicated to her father and assists in recovering from his crazed state. As time passes, Dr.
Manette becomes more mentally stable and his regressions to shoe-making become less often. By the end of the book, Dr. Manette is nearly back to normal; he is once again a fully functional person. Lucie’s love and determination nurse Dr.
Manette back to normality. Sydney Carton’s life is made meaningful by the hope that he receives from Lucy Manette. At the beginning of the story, Sydney Carton’s life has no significance. He is a drunkard with a seemingly worthless life. Sydney is working as a clerk for the lawyer C. J.
Stryper, and though Sydney is the real brains behind the ideas, the attorney receives all the credit. Carton has had an unfavorable life and has no inspiration, nothing to live for. Sydney really wants for his life to have served some purpose, for him to have made a difference. He changes his life around after a conversation with Miss Manette in which Carton professes his love to her. Carton describes himself as a “self-flung away, wasted, drunken, poor creature of misuse” and states that there is no hope for bettering his life. However, Lucy explains that she believes in him and that he is “capable of better things.” As Carton leaves he tells her, “For you, and for any dear to you, I would to anything,” a promise he winds up keeping.
Carton feels much better about himself knowing that Lucie, the woman he idolizes, believes in him. He strives to be a better person and tries to change his life around. He stops getting drunk and begins to lead a respectable life. Because Lucie sees potential for Carton, he is inspired to better his life. Sydney Carton twice saves Charles Darnay, first from prison and then from death. Charles Darnay is a wealthy aristocrat, but he chooses to live a more modest life.
He marries Lucy Manette, Sydney Carton’s love. In the beginning of the book, Darnay is put on trial for treason, though he really has not done anything wrong. Sydney Carton is the clerk for Darnay’s attorney. Things do not look hopeful for Charles, but then the court notices a remarkable resemblance of Darnay to Carton. Darnay is luckily set free because of this similarity. Had Carton not been present, Charles would have almost surely been found guilty.
Darnay is later imprisoned and sentenced to death in France because of something his uncle and father did many years before. All hope is lost after every attempt to set Darnay free ends up in failure. The day of the execution, Carton has a plan of his own that is completely unexpected. He goes to the prison and trades places with Charles Darnay. Darnay safely leaves the prison while Carton stays in his place, awaiting his own death. Sydney does this because of his promise to Lucy earlier, that he would do anything for her or for anyone dear to her.
Carton sees that Darnay has a family to go home to, while he does not. This serves as the perfect opportunity for Sydney to make his life meaningful, allowing a person with purpose to live on. There is no hope for Sydney after the change is made, he goes to the guillotine later that day. But Sydney dies with dignity, knowing his life did not go to waste. Because Sydney Carton bravely sacrifices his own life for Charles Darnay, Darnay is given an extra chance.
The characters in A Tale of Two Cities all play significant roles in each other’s lives. None of the characters would be the same if it wasn’t for the influence and impact of someone else. Resurrection is a predominant theme throughout the book, and three of the characters are resurrected. Dr. Manette is resurrected by his daughter and he is returned to sanity. Sydney Carton’s life is changed from despair to honor.
Because of the great change in Carton, Darnay’s life is spared. The power of love and determination is clearly exemplified by the resurrection of Dr. Alexander Manette, Sydney Carton, and Charles Darnay.