Reverend Brown Parents Rachael Father

The relationship that Reverend Brown has with his daughter, Rachael, is quite similar to the relationship that my parents have with me. Like Reverend Brown, my parents have high expectations and goals for me to accomplish. My parents can also be very ignorant, just like Reverend Brown. Even though Rachael’s father and my parents can be difficult, they both love and care for their child. Rachael’s father and my parents are similar because they both have high expectations for their children. Reverend Brown expects Rachael to be highly religious and to follow the bible but she is not sure about what she wants to believe in.

Reverend Brown also has strict boundaries for Rachael to follow and doesn’t want to see her become an outcast from society. Rachael is sometimes intimidated by her father. She is quoted saying, “I wanted to run to my father and have him tell me I was safe, that everything was all right. But I was more frightened of him than I was of falling.” Sometimes I feel this way when I make a stupid mistake or get in a lot of trouble over some of my careless actions. I’d rather be arrested and thrown in jail than to have my father give me a disappointed look and yell at me. I am more afraid of my parents because they are supposed to love and trust me.

My parents would also like me to be a good catholic and to get good grades in every class but that just is not me. I can understand some of the pressure and guilt that Rachael is going through. When your own parents are upset with you, you get a feeling of loneliness like you have nobody to talk to. “It’s the loneliest feeling in the world-to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down.” I can relate to this quote because I can understand the loneliness that Rachael is feeling and it’s not easy. Reverend Brown condemns the fact that Rachael and Bert may have feelings for each other and Rachael knows this. She is basically stuck in the middle and has to decide between Bert and her own father.

Her father’s expectations for her are different than what Rachael would like them to be. Another reason how my parents are similar to Reverend Brown is that they are ignorant. My parents are very quick to judge a person based on looks alone. Reverend Brown is not open-minded to the theory of evolution and he gets upset when any person could even think about betraying the word of the lord.

He thinks that the theory of evolution is horrible and he doesn’t even have any background information on it. He needs to educate himself before he draws an opinion about something. My parents are somewhat the same way. They think that the music that I listen to is all bad and inappropriate but they don’t even take time to listen to the lyrics first. My parents also judge people they meet by the way they are dressed and immediately conclude who and what the person is. Reverend Brown describes Drummond by saying, “A slouching hulk of a man, whose head juts out like an animal.

You look into his face and wonder why God made such a man. And then you know that God didn’t make him, that he is a creature of the Devil, perhaps even the Devil himself!” This was a very ignorant statement to make given the fact that he hasn’t even met and gotten to know Drummond yet. When my parents or Reverend Brown come up with a nasty conclusion about someone before even meeting them, that is ignorant and it frustrates me. Finally, the last reason how my parents are similar to Reverend Brown is that overall, they are caring people.

The reason Reverend Brown may be difficult to deal with is because he cares for Rachael and he wants her to be the best person that she can be. He doesn’t want to see her going down the wrong path or having loose morals. My parents also care for me because they also want what is best for me. They want me to be a good person and to be successful at everything I do. My parents do not want to see me turn to drugs or violence and that is the reason why they may have strict limitations sometimes. Reverend Brown is somewhat the same way.

He doesn’t want Rachael to become anti-Christ or an atheist. It’s hard for him to see that his daughter may be headed down a path of different beliefs or “sin.” It’s traditional in society for someone to just go along with religion and not question it. He only wants what’s “best” for Rachael. As you can see, my parents are similar to Reverend Brown because they have high expectations and they want me to be the best person that I can be. Reverend Brown and my parents are also ignorant and not very open-minded to new ideas. My parents and Reverend Brown are also caring and they are just looking out for their child.

Even though my parents or Reverend Brown may be difficult sometimes, they are doing it for good reasons.