Robert Browning Porphyria Cottage Rich

Pre Twentieth Century Poetry. Compare the way in which presents unusual characters in unusual situations with close reference to the language used. Which characters do you find most memorable? Robert Browning lived between (1812-1889). He died at the age of 77. Robert Browning was happily married after a long struggle. Elizabeth Browning came from a very over protective family her father was very patriarchal.

Elizabeth managed to get away in her 40’s where she married Robert. Elizabeth Browning at the time was a famous poet who wrote a sonnet called ‘Remember me when I have gone’. Which led her to her fame. Victorian times was hard for women, they had to reserve themselves and they never flaunted themselves towards other men. They were expected to always look good. They wore their corsets so tight that it squashed their internal organs.

It also was also seen as a sexual act to eat fruit in public they went in hiding to eat it. Some woman even got ribs removed so they can get a better figure. Most of the 20 th centaury woman married when they were very young. Rich fathers often married their daughters of very young to rich elder men. In the poem Porphyria’s lover Browning sets the scene as personified weather, it is as if the weather has a personality, ‘the rain set early into the night, the sullen wind was soon awake’.

He describes the weather as if something bad is going to happen. However when Porphyria comes in to the cottage she brings warmth love and happiness ‘blazed up the cottage warm’. It’s as if Porphyria’s lover is the cottage and all of the troubles are outside of the cottage. In the poem ‘My last duchess’ is set in the time of the renaissance 14 th-16 th century where it was fashionable to have a painting of yourself. Robert Browning in the poem describes a large mansion; it was a massive rich stately home. This shows that someone very rich and powerful lives in this mansion.

In the poem Porphyria comes into the cottage, her lover knows that she has been with someone else… .’ When glided in Porphyria straight’. / This shows that Porphyria has no shame. ‘She shut the cold out and the storm, and kneeled and made the cheerless grate’. / This shows that all her movements are pleasant. ‘Withdrew her dripping clock and shawl, and laid her solid gloves by’.

/ There is some sexual promiscuity going on here.