Both the Mongol and Roman Empires had great impacts on world history in other countries. The Mongol Empire lasted from 1227 AD to 1368 AD, and stretched from East Asia, all the way to East Europe. The was from 31 BC until 476 AD, and it stretched from West Europe and into parts of Africa, East Europe, and the Middle East. The Roman Empire was a very important piece of world history. The Romans traded with Africa, India, China, and other parts of Europe. From Egypt the got grain, and from other parts in Africa they got ivory, gold, and lions.
From India, the Romans received cotton, spices, and precious stones. Along the Silk Road, most of this trade with far nations was accomplished. The Romans adapted columns, statues, an alphabet, and geometry from Greece. However, Rome also had many ideas and achievements that were original to them. Some of these ideas included “innocent until proven guilty,”trial by jury,” evidence, and a republic system. The language spoken in Ancient Rome was Latin, which eventually led to the development of Spanish, French, Romanian, Italian, and Portuguese.
Some original forms of architecture to Rome were arches, the dome, concrete, temples, roads, aqueducts, and bridges. The main religion of the Roman Empire was Christianity. The Mongol Empire, much like the Roman Empire, had a huge impact on world history. They adapted foods, tools, inventions, and ideas on their various trade routes.
The Mongol Empire was the largest Empire at its height; it stretched across all of Asia, and parts of Europe. They had windmills and gunpowder, once they went westward from China. Papermaking went to the Middle East from China, and crops and trees went from the Middle East to China in exchange. Another achievement of the Mongol warriors, was the ability to shoot their bow and arrows backward, allowing for effective reverse fire.
This gave them a strong advantage during battle. The main religions of the Mongol Empire were Buddhism and Taoism. In conclusion, the empire that was more effective on world history, was the Roman Empire. This was so for many reasons. One main reason, is that Christianity is one of the major religions of the world, even though Buddhism is also, Christianity has a larger population.
Also, the architecture of buildings in the Roman Empire was a lot stronger, and also some of it was adapted from other cultures, unlike that of the Mongols. The Mongols did not adapt things as much as the Romans did. The law of the Romans is also a lot like that of the United States, which is arguably the most advanced and structured government in the world.