The nineteenth century brought with it many new views and a large variety of themes. One of theses main ideas was known as Romanticism. The main point of the Romanticism was to focus on feelings not answers. It had an impact on many places. This was a believe of poetry, music, arts, and writing. This was a time for your emotions not your mind.
It was a large step back from a modern society. he romantics had a large belief that a parson cannot come to understand themselves through logic. Logic was killing humans feelings and thoughts and covering it with analyzing and reason. Imagination was thought to be the key to life rather than Information.
Romantics looked down on philosophers for they thought nature worked in a perfect order. Where as romantics thought of nature as being alive, and full of emotions and inspiration. Through this period of Romantic beliefs people of the arts began to bloom. A Romantic poet, William Wordsworth wrote a vibrant poem during this time. The main idea through the literature was that a view of nature can teach more to us than man and reason.
Gothic, a new music that attracted the peoples attention. It was a type of music that did not go in a specific form instead it acted upon the peoples emotions. Mary Allan Poe was an American author that practiced a Gothic style. Romantics began to analyze the things around them. Some believed that the Christian religion needed reaffirmation. Philosophers denied this.
Stating that Christianity got in the way of reason and knowledge. They believed it to be superstition. Romantics disagreed because they believed that Christianity was the clay that molded society. Romantics slipped back to the past often. They believed that human is good and does good. They looked and the past and modeled their lives by it.
Many historical novels were written by Victor Hugo and Sir Walter Scott. New ways of writing were discoed in this time. Author’s expressed their feeling and their emotions through their writing. Richard Wagner wrote operas and tone poems. He composed the “Ring Cycle.” is main theory was Germans were warriors. He was very famous for his songs and poems and also for his ideas towards society.
Romantics were criticized and looked at as sentimental and emotional. Gustave Courbet said that Romantics only stressed emotions and feelings to escape from life and it’s ups and downs. The Romantics were in fear of the feature and what knowledge it may bring them. Afraid that throw reason and logic they would loss their beliefs. In their feature they saw their imagination and emotions slipping away. They saw their hopes and beauty slipping to.
It was because of thier visions that Romantics lived in the past and refused to surrender to a society of thinking-machines.