Notes: Study Guide
Plot: Synopsis
Setting: Verona, Italy
Theme: Falling in Love
A. Montagues Family
B. Capulet Family (old capulet)
C. Romeo Montagues
Juliet Capulet
E. Tybalt cousin of Juliet
F. Rosa line (Romeo in love with her)
G. Prince / orders all fights between the Montagues family and Capulet family to cease under penalty of death
Conflict: (problem facing main character (s)
Juliet falls in love with her energy Romeo (her only love has sprung from her only hate)
B. Romeo falls in love with his enemy Juliet
C. Tybalt, Juliets’ cousin, recognizes Romeo and wants to fight him
D. Old Capulet for kids Tybalt to do any harm to a guest
E. Tybalt bows to settle the score l ative
Plot: (Bare outline of the story/ sequence of related events)
A. Romeo steps away from his friends
Lingers in Capulets garden under Juliet’s window
II. Over hears her confess to the stars that she loves him
B. Romeo reveals his presents to Juliet/ they kiss and resolve to be secretly married
1. Next pay Juliet sends her nurse (confident) to make final arrangements
2. Wedding is performed at the sale of Friar Lawrence (Romeo’s Friend) / who hopes by this alliance to turn their “households” rancor to pure love
Romeo returning from his wedding comes upon his friends then Ben voles
and Mercutio fighting with Tybalt who has been searching for him
1. Tybalt tries to pick a fight with Romeo do to marriage as now a kinsman to Tybalt/ refuses to fight and ignores Tybalt insults
2. Mercutio not understanding Romeo’s new attitude fights Tybalt himself and is slain
3. Angered by the death of his best friend, Romeo slays Tybalt and flees
D. The prince banishes Romeo who despair has taken refuge in Friar Lawrence cell
1. Romeo receives a ring from grief stricken Juliet with a message to see her that night
Romeo climbs to Juliets chamber they make love, at dawn he flees to Mantua
3. Juliet parents unaware to Juliet marriage to Romeo insist that she marriage Harris an kinsman of the prince
E. On despair Juliet consults Friar Lawrence, who advises to pretend to agree to the marriage to Paris
1. Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a sleeping potion which will cause her to appear dead
2. Juliet will be layed out in the Capulets burial vault instead of marring Paris
3. The plan is lip the time Juliet wakes Romeo would be there to take her away to Mantua
By accident the Friar’s letter does not reach Romeo
1. Romeo hears of Juliet’s death from another source
3. In despair Romeo procures a deadly sleeping potion from an apotnary and returns to Verona
4. As Romeo opens the Capulet tome/ interrupted by Paris / they fight and Romeo kills him
5. At Juliet side Romeo drinks the poison and dies
The Friar arrives to release Juliet she awakens and discover Romeo’s body
7. She kills her self with his dagger
8. At the tomb over these sacrifices to their enmity, Montague and Capulet claps hands and are at last reconciled
1. Drama is a form of storytelling meant to be performed by actors on a stage
2. In the Western world, the kinds of drama we see today began in ancient Greece
3. Then and now, playwrights writers of plays tell their stories completely through the words and actions of characters
Plays are often grouped as either tragedies or comedies according to the
About Drama
5. Drama is a special fame of literature meant to be performed as well as read
6. The drama comes from the Greek world drain, meaning to do, or to act
7. The ancient Greek were the first people in the Western world to see the form for the activity that we call drama
Plays are written to tell a story when a play is performed the story is told completely through the words called dialogue and actions of characters
9. Characters in a play are very similar to the character in short stories, fables, legends, and tall tales- The play’s main character is called the protagonist/ There is also an antagonist who tries to make things difficult for the protagonist
10. As in all literature, characters in a play can be flat or round, unchanging or changing
11. Playwrights or writers of plays cannot present characters thoughts as can writers of fiction/ They let characters speak for themselves or be revealed through the words of other characters
12. They have to let the characters speak for themselves or revealed through the words of other characters
A tragedy is a series play that ends unhappy with suffering or death of the main character
14. Comedies on the other hand have happy endings to amuse people (comedies of ancient Greece protagonist today comedies expected to make you laugh)
15. The action of a play is divided into acts and scenes (can get is major unit of action acts are divided into smaller unit called scene- each scene takes place in one setting only)
16. Divisions into acts and scenes gives a play an order of events and allow settings to changes In Shakespeare time the five act play was standards
17. Today’s play tend to be in three acts many plays have only one act
18. Another form of drama plays written for television film and video Like all plays, dramas written for, these media can be comedies
The Main difference between plays and other forms of storytelling is that plays are meant to be performed
20. About the Author William Shakespeare poet and dramatist is perhaps the best known playwrights in the history of western drama
21. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stanford upon Avon, England
A. Son of a business man
B. Probably attended local schools- Read the classic plays of ancient Greece and Rome
C. Married Anne Hathaway in 1582 had 3 children
Became a actor and playwrights for the lord chamber men a group that performed in Global Theatre (1594)
E. Retire from the theatre and London around 1611
F. Returning to Stanford were he died in 1516
22. Shakespeare wrote tragedies comedies and history plays
Shakespeare’s work is divided into three periods – Romeo and Juliet is the last play in Shakespeare’s first period – probably first performed in 1594
24. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy meaning a play that ends with the Suffering of death of one on more of the main characters
25. “Star cross lovers”- This means that fate, or chance is against them
26. Friar Lawrence has given his letter for Romeo to a messenger unfortunately the messenger is delay and Balthasar Romeo’s Servant gets to Romeo in Mantua first Balthasar doesn’t know about the plan and tell Romeo’s that Juliet’s dead
27. Shakespeare’s play are felt with both dramatic irony and foreshadowing
28. Act- a major unit of action play
Climax- The high permit of interest or suspense in a story or play
30. Drama- a story told through the words and actions of characters written to be performed as well as read
31. Dramatic irony- when the audience or reader knows more than the characters know
32. Foreshadowing- clues or hints that a it gives about some thing that has not happened yet
33. Playwrights- a writer of plays
34. Tragedy- a play that ends with the suffering or death of one or more of the main characters
Characters in Romeo and Juliet, Act V
The Montague Family
B. Lord Montague- Romeo’s father
C. Lady Montague, Romeo’s mother
D. Mercutio- Romeo’s friend and a relative of the prince in Verona
Benvolio- Romeo’s first cousin
F. Balthasar- Romeo’s servant
Capulet’s Family
A. Juliet
B. Lord capulet-Juliet’s father
C. Lady capulet- Juliet mother
Tybalt- Juliet’s 1 st cousin
E. Paris- chosen by Juliet’s parent to marry her and a relative of the prince
of Verona
F. Juliet’s- nurse
Other Characters
A. prince of Verona
B. Friar Lawrence
C. Friar John
The apothecary
E. Paris’s page (servant)
F. Chief watchman
G. Second watchman
H. Third watchman
35. Conflict- the struggle of the protagonists against himself or her self another person or nature
Dialogue- the conversation between characters in a play
37. Realistic drama- plays that tell the stories of ordinary people in a life like manner
38. Scene- a unit of action in a play that takes place in one setting
39. Stage directions- rates by playwrights such things as settings lighting sound effects and how the actors are to look we have more and speak
Beseech- to beg
41. Kindred- relatives
42. Remnant- a trace
43. Wretch- a miserable creature
45. Aloof- apart
46. Provoke- to cause someone to take action
47. Unsavory- unpleasant; bad tasting
48. Discern- to recognize; to make out
Thwart-to reach to top
50. Sheath-a cover of a case
51. Purge-to free from blame
52. Tedious-tiring-boring
Entra l-to beg
54. Betroth-to promise in marriage
55. Dire-severe-terrible
56. Siege-a battle
57. Ducats-gold coins
58. Privy-secretly aware
Star-crossed-ill destined
60. Chinks-money.