Dear Governor: It seems that God is seeking to punish us for our sins, sending Satan into our humble town of Salem to wreak havoc and chaos around us. He sends his minions, his witches, to do his bidding, and now poor Betty Parris, daughter Reverend Samuel Parris, lies in bed, breaking into fits of convulsions and hallucination, and often crying out in terror. We must purge Salem of this evil, to end God! s wrath. To repent this sin of! ^0 entering into a compact with the Devil in exchange for certain powers to do evil! +/-, quoth from Tim Sutter, these sinners must be hanged, under the basis for the Bay Colony! s legal structure: ! ^0 those who are accused of consorting with the devil are considered felons, having committed a crime against their government.
The punishment for such a crime is hanging. ! +/- I, along with many others, wish to ensure that every last witch be discovered and punished as the means towards appeasing God! s anger. We have sinned greatly, Governor, and unless those wish to burn for all eternity in Hellfire, we must find all the witches hidden in Salem. To see the young girls undergo such agony and fear after hearing the Lord! s name makes me wonder if they will be able to seek eternal bliss in Heaven. Witches have tainted this town.
Tituba, and her constant work in voodoo, with Sarah Osborne and Sarah Good, who have sold their souls to Satan, committing his sins and doing his evil work. These women are witches, using Black Magic to commit sin, as Goody Bishop, who was found having! ^0 poppets! +/- with pins stuck in their bodies. The voodoo magic is apparent here, as they were trying to curse other members of our town using the dolls as their bodies. There could be no reason other than witchcraft, for these girls have no reason to stand against the other members of this society and accuse them. There was also nothing physically wrong with the girls, as physician William Griggs diagnosed them as bewitched. It is possible that perhaps even before the girls realized they were bewitched, Tituba had already cast black magic on them, as she often told them stories of witchcraft, mystical animals, demons, and such.
Prior to the witch-hunts, small pox swept our town, and perhaps that was the start of the bringing forth of evil. It was, and is, a shock that dear friends of mine such as Goody Nurse are also witches. We must step away from such evils; she had us fooled us for so many years, making us believe she was a good Puritan, her soul eloquent. However, her dealings with the Devil have been discovered.
There are now over two hundred men, women, and children in jail after their trials, and many more are still being brought into the light. Witnessing the hanging of these people, some of whom I have grown up with, brings me great pain. But, we must cleanse our souls in order for God to welcome us through the golden gates. If we do not purify this sacred town in which our children, and our children! s children flourish, what will be the lesson, which we have learned of the witches? Many have started to question the meaning behind the witch trials, in whether the spectral evidence could be believed. I, however, stay strong in my belief that these witch trials have helped us free from the chains that bind us to sin. ! -May God forgive us for our sins! -! -Amen! – Yours Sincerely, Cain.