Salt Of The Earth

The Bible is one of the greatest books containing metaphors and similes often referred to as parables. In this case, a metaphor will be used describing two different aspects inspired by the written word of God. “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5: 13) will be the example given in this essay. “Ye are the salt of the earth” represents how Christians, as salt, should portray themselves while being in “the world.” Salt has many abilities that of Christians. Salt is generally used to enhance or season food.

In this case, Christian also should bring forth flavor to the world. Additionally, salt is occasional used in the preserving of meat wherefore it would rote. As a Christian the world should have perseverance to sustain the world from danger through prayer and acts of righteousness. Salt also imbues or in some cases poisons that which it contacts.

For instance, once a snail cones in contact with salt it begins to deteriorate. In comparison, Christians should have the same effect on the world. We are poisonous to the sin if the world and we have the power to penetrate though everything that seems to come against us. Just as salt creates a thirst for water, Christian should promote a desire for Jesus. Salt is known to be one of the most stabled substances in the world. Therefore a Christian should establish stability throughout their life.

Salt never changes rather it seasons, preserves or penetrates everything that it contacts. Instead of allowing “the world” to change them, Christians should be capable to change everything that they contact. Thus, it is important that Christians maintain their saltiness by portraying all the abilities of salt. Although, it is a privilege and a honor it also includes God discipline and responsibility to be considered such a strong substance.