‘The natural liberty of a man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature of his rule’ (, The Rights of the Colonists, , 1772, November 20, page 419) On the eve of December 16, 1773 a company of men passed through the streets of Boston disguised as Mohawk Indians. One of the men that lead this spectacular scene was the respected and admired, Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams was one of the key figures who played a role in keeping the controversy alive during the revolution which swept Massachusetts. From the reference above it clearly shows that Adams was a religious man and has been named ‘ the visible product of the New England Church’ (Great American Statesmen and Heroes, Catherine Millard, 1994). He talks of ‘the law of nature’ and portrays the idea of an almighty power which rules man, not the ‘superior power’ of the motherland. From looking at the above image of Samuel Adams it illustrates a man clothed in plain garments and ‘ wishy washy grey eyes’ (Donald Barr, The World of Samuel Adams, Nashville: 1974, page 9).
It does not reveal an immense powerful presence. He is known to have been an unsuccessful brewer in his time but showed an exemplary knowledge of politics. On his face there is a warm smile and this is the reason why people responded to him. His cousin, John Adams summarizes his appearance as ‘ plain, simple, decent citizen, of middling stature, dress and manners’ (Stewart Beach, Samuel Adams: The Fateful Years 1766-1776, New York: 1965, Page 13). Adams spoke of his’ wish for a permanent union with the mother country, but only in terms of liberty and truth’ in 1774.
His use of emotive language gained him his popularity and made people care for his cause of freedom. Thomas Jefferson once said ‘ I always considered him, more than any other member, the fountain of our important measures’. This reveals the respect and status Samuel Adams held with his contemporizes. The image of the ‘fountain’ reminds us of a fountain of knowledge which portrays his intelligence. (not sure about that sentence, sounds a bit crap! ) Up to 1773 there had been a calm period of 3 years while a small number of radicals tirelessly fought for the independence of the colonies.
The turning point of the American revolution occurred in 1773 with the reaction to the Tea Act. This revived the American anger towards the in justly taxation passed by the British government. Lord North assumed that this act would be highly favoured by the colonists however they rebelled and boycotted the tea. After the dramatic evening of December 16, 1773 when Samuel Adams led the patriots to the shipments of tea the British parliament retaliated by passing the Coercive Acts.
This was the fateful beginning of the fight for Independence. Samuel Adams, the quiet spoken but passionate man had greatly assisted in the beginning of the violent dispute between the mother country and the colonies of America.