Satyagraha () Gandhi’s belief in a non-violent march for liberation was a key factor in creating the Indian State free of foreign occupation. His determination of patience and peace approach eventually subdued the deterrence force from creating chaos and other mishaps that usually occurs in other forms of anti movements. The historical event widely known as Satyagraha; Gandhi had coined proved to be more conducive to nonviolent results. The term Satyagraha derived from two-letter word truth and firmness, which shaped the whole resistance against the British colonial force in India, forcing them out of the Indian soil stunned the world in the history of revolution. In past no country has ever succeeded in applying such steadfast approach towards liberation, instead violent measures that resulted into deaths and destruction remained a grim fact in their history. Gandhi spoke for the rights of people in disobeying the law that were cruel and unjust, this is where he practiced civil disobedience and he therefore advocated for the justification of the cause.
The acts of civil disobedience widely got attention of many people fighting against their one enemy, and many found that the non violent measure was even more effective in bringing about changes rather than committing violence which at the time couldn’t make any progress in defeating the mighty enemy force. The strong enemy, which had a huge military presence, was able to sustain all sorts of uprising but was less effective in quelling the mass stubbornness. Gandhi was at the end of his leadership able to free his country… What can be derived from such passive resistance practiced by Gandhi and his followers, is that the acts of civil disobedience can be a very effective tool if it admits of no violence. Thus creating a generous atmosphere of making your opinion heard and also putting pressure on the opposition to cooperate or at cases even counter the demands but all in a peaceful way rather than any use of violence. When both party’s can agree on one notion of conveying the matter than it’s always a good practice in resolving the difference.
The critiques might argue the case that non violence necessarily doesn’t always finds a path for resolution of a conflict, but that all depends upon the willingness of the parties in a conflict restricted by various factor such as time, emergence and other aspects of the issues. But if more consideration is given to the fact that non-aggression could at the end result to a peaceful resolution then the aftermath of any violent approach would just lead to bitterness humiliation and anger amongst the defeated and the devastated. Such prime case is the present situation between the political standoff of the Middle East crisis. In news we have witnessed mass protest of people who are more committed towards a non-violent approach in contrary to the ones who supported the latter approach. Both had their own case and both reasoned their standing to be justifiable. But looking the matter through the Gandhi perspective we can see that the action has not yet enlightened the minds of majority in that region but instead has created chaos and dissatisfaction.
The measure to curb terror has in fact generated more grounds for future instability rather than peace… All that if we believe Gandhi approach towards resolution… (to be contd) Summary: Key points to add in: from web sites and notes Satyagraha is a weapon of the strong; it admits of no violence under any circumstance whatever; and it ever insists upon truth Because some laws are unjust, civil disobedience is sometimes justified. that pursuit of Truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent, but that he must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy to be made aware of the injustice.
Acts of civil disobedience will get peoples attention and make them aware that the laws need changing. Nonviolent means are more conducive (promote) to nonviolent ends Satyagraha in its essence is nothing but the introduction of truth and gentleness in the political Satyagraha is utter self-effacement, greatest humiliation, greatest patience and brightest faith. It is its own reward. Although non-co-operation is one of the main weapons in the armory of Satyagraha, it should not be forgotten that it is after all only a means to secure the co-operation of the opponent consistently with truth and justice Civil disobedience is the inherent right of a citizen. He dare not give it up without ceasing to be a man. Civil disobedience is never followed by anarchy A Satyagraha obeys the laws of society intelligently and of his own free will, because he considers it to be his sacred duty to do so.