School Problem Schools Teachers Students

The Cause and Solutions of America’s Educational Woes Schools were once a place where people can get an education without any fears. Schools were once safe and teachers were ecstatic to teach. In today’s society, schools have become a place of violence. Teachers have given up on students and don’t care about the teaching anymore. The government has tried to help the school system by feeding them money.

The money some how does not help the school in the ways that the government thinks it will. There is too much corruption in today’s society. There are many other educational problems in America’s schools. I believe that even if all the problems are solved, other problems will arise. The problems in the schools in America can never be totally fixed. There might be ways to make things better but there will never be any real solutions.

There are many problems that exist in Public Schools in America. Many Public schools lack money because they are either in rural poor areas or they need a lot of improvement due to the age of the school. Schools might also lack money due to attendance. Teachers are also a concern because there is a shortage of teachers. This cause the schools to get a hold of anyone who they think can teach to teach. Some of these teachers may lack experience.

Another problem is overcrowding. Some schools have too many kids. Classes are becoming too large and students are not getting the attention they deserve. Sanitation is also another concern to schools in America. Many public schools do not do their job in keeping the schools clean especially the restrooms. Public schools lack safety.

Some public schools are unsafe to attend. Students and teachers alike also lack motivation. The last problem that I can come up with is the disciplinary actions. They do not work and should be though over.

There are many other public school problems but they will be to long to list. The causes of the problems in schools can be blamed on the kids that attend the school, the parents and the faculty. Schools lack money because of vandalism, attendance, or the faculty taking advantage of what the government puts into the school. Kids cause vandalism because they think its “cool” which causes the school to lose money because the school has to take the money, which was given to them for better use to fix the damages. Parents are also to blame because they do not teach their kids between right and wrong. Parents are liable for their child’s actions.

The child should be brought up to learn better. The vandalism does not just affects the child that’s if they get caught; it affects everyone around them. The children should be taught that with every action there is an equal reaction. Everything that they do has consequences. Attendance is also to blame for the lack of money. Students find it better to stay home and slack off then to go to school.

Schools get money based upon attendance. They lazy students that do not go to school take money away from the school thus making it worse for the students that are attending. These students are self-fish and should be taught. Parents also have a position in this, they should make their child go to school regardless. Education is the most important thing for a child. Some parents are lazy and that is where the child learns his or her laziness also.

Many children mimic their parents. Parents should set a good example for their kids. Finally the faculty is to blame for the lack of money in schools. Many faculties especially administrators get to distribute the money that they receive from the government any way that they want. Many self-fish ignorant bastards try to keep the money for themselves and they do not care for the school or the children anymore. All they care is about their own self-fish needs.

The administrators might be making bank while the teachers and school is suffering. There should be a higher council that decides where the money should be spent. The money should go to the teachers and the campus because the teachers are the ones that deserve it. They work hard teaching everyday and they have to put up with the students that don’t behave. The administrators don’t do squat. They just sit around and do PTA meetings.

The teachers are the backbone of all schools, without them; there would be no schools because there would be no one to teach. The money that schools get from the government should be tracked to see where the money is being put to. The shortage of teachers can be blamed on many things. Teachers for one are not paid enough. People do not want to become teachers because the starting pay is too low for what they have to put up with.

The teacher shortage can also be blamed for safety issues. Some schools have become unsafe for students and teachers. Especially in rural inner cities, teachers have to work hard to try to reach the kids that everyone else rejects. Teachers that work in rural inner cities have to live there and there are no nice houses.

The teachers have to live like their students. Many people want to teach but the motivation to teach is low. The government should raise the minimum wage of teachers overall. Many teachers are becoming sick and tired of teaching, which will not help their students because the teachers become cranky and do not care for their students. Teachers should teach because they want to not because they have to. Some teachers also lack experience.

Teachers that are hired because there is a shortage and not because of their credentials are not helpful to the students at all because they do not know what they are doing. The standards for becoming a teacher should be raised. Teachers should be tested every year in the subject that they teach in to see if they are up to date. They should also take people skill classes to learn how to deal with students that don’t behave. The schools or the government should look into making every teacher get some sort of degree in the area that they teach.

Each teacher should be specialized in what they do. Some subjects can be interlaced but others should be separate. For example, teachers should be split up into different departments like in college. Teachers that teach the sciences like math, physics, chemistry, because they all revolve around each other and classes like English, social studies, and history should be another.

A way to make teachers motivated is to make it like a basketball or football draft. Schools would have to pick their teachers like a NBA draft. Some teachers would cost more than others, due to experience. Rookie teachers would be the lowest paying.

The government should give the schools money as a salary cap type thing. This would make teachers want to get more experience to make more money and make it up the chain to work at a better school. Schools with the best test school at the end of a year should get a bonus. Overcrowding is also a big issue. Many schools are becoming overcrowded and classes are becoming too big.

There are too many students in a class that can only accommodate a certain number. This also can be overwhelming for the teacher because they can not help the students that need help due to the large number of students. In a class with a large number of students there is more of a chance where the students just socialize and don’t pay attention. The government should build more schools to accommodate the overcrowding. Sanitation is also a big concern in public schools in America. Schools are becoming dirty due to the students because they don’t care about the school that they go to.

They do not respect things. Janitors try to keep the schools clean but they can only do a limited number of things. They have other things to attend to then to clean up after the people that litter. Restrooms are a major problem in public schools.

People do not know where to aim their things and they don’t care for their fellow students. Students tag everywhere trying to get their gang name heard are just stupid. They cause the school money and time to get it cleaned up. Many people don’t even go number 2 in the restrooms because of the sanitation problems. Many students wait till they go home or ask to go home because of that and they end up missing half a day of class just because the restrooms are too dirty. The troublemakers should clean the restrooms and the schools as punishment.

The schools should treat the misguided students as army recruits with the parent’s permission. They should clean the restrooms with only a toothbrush so they learn their lesson. Janitors should not be punished for the student’s crimes. They have other important things to tend to like keeping the school in working order making sure the bells and lights work.

Safety issues are really easy but it might cost an arm and a leg. Schools should be safe alike for teachers and students. In today’s society it is too easy to obtain and gun or a knife. There should be more security guards.

Schools should also have only one main major entrance like magic mountain or Disneyland where there are metal detectors in every door in the main entrance. This will ensure there will not be any weapons of any sort in school. There should also be random class searches to make sure. Every school should also have drug-sniffing dogs to keep drugs off campus. Teachers should announce that there is an anonymous hotline in the beginning of the class of the year so those students know that they could tell somebody without being a rat. Many students do not know that there is a hotline where everything they say is confidential.

Thus they keep their mouth shut. Last and not least are the disciplinary actions. Some public schools in America have disciplinary actions that don’t make sense or don’t affect the students in any way. The most ridiculous one is expulsion or suspension. Trouble making kids do not like to go to school in the first place, so expulsion or suspension will just them want it more because they get to stay home. That to me is not really punishment.

When a student gets suspended they get sent home and they fall behind because they missed a day. This just makes it harder for them to catch up and most of them don’t even really care about school so they don’t care about catching up. Tardy rules are also ridiculous. My school had students that were tardy pick up trash, which was a waste of time because it only made us tardier.

Then when we get to class the teacher ask us why we were so late to class. The students could end up going to class a minute or two late but after picking up trash they would be 10 minutes late which cuts into the teaching time of the teachers and disrupts the class. This picking up trash punishment only made kids that knew there was going to be tardy stay home because of the stupid rule. A better disciplinary action for being late or suspended is to have the students stay after school to do extra work that they have missed or give them more homework. To make this work the teacher would also have to talk to the parent to make sure they do the extra homework and not just to blow it off. Classes should also be taped of purposes of the student lying to their parents so that the teacher looks like the bad person.

More class time to bad students is torture because the one thing that they hate is staying in class. They are always eager for the bell to ring to get out of class. Another disciplinary action is to bring back corporal punishment. I think this will work because the East has been using it and it has worked. Many students in the East are far superior in academics than we will ever be. They are over achievers in the East and we are under achievers.

America has the worse education in the world. Corporal punishment will teach the troublemakers to change their ways and adapt to the rules. This type of classical conditioning will teach the students to behave. Everyone fears consequences.

The stakes are higher when corporal punishments is back. For this to take effect every parent should sign the consent form. Most parents are sissies, that is why they can not control their kids.