was born in Stratford, England in the year 1564. His birth date is unknown but is celebrated on April 23; this day in England is the feast of St. George. He was baptized on April 26, 1564. William was the third child of John and Mary Shakespeare. He had seven siblings but only one of his sister and four brothers lived to adulthood.
The other siblings of William died. William’s father John Shakespeare was a Town official of Stratford and a local businessman. William’s mother Mary Arden was married to John Shakespeare in 1557. William’s Mother took over her father’s estate and landowning business when he died.
William Shakespeare went to a good school in Stratford and learned basic reading and writing. On November 1582, when William Shakespeare was eighteen year old, he married Anne Hathaway who was twenty-six and was pregnant. Anne lived her whole life in Stratford, London. Seven months later, William’s first daughter Susanna was born. In February 1585, twins Hamlet and Judith were born to William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway.
Between the years 1585 and 1592, there’s no evidence of Shakespeare life. They think that between these years, he ran away from home and that until 1592 he was a schoolteacher somewhere in London. Early 1592, in London he became a well-known playwright. Henry Wriothesley, a patron sponsored William Shakespeare in the year 1593. William Shakespeare was an actor, director, writer and a stockholder in “The King’s Men” company. William Shakespeare also acted that company and the “The King’s Men” company became a famous acting company because of William’s work and performance for there company.
In the year 1593, William Shakespeare wrote two long poems called “Venus and Adonis” and the next year he wrote “Rape of Lucre ce.” These two poems were written when the theatre was closed because of the epidemic known as the plague. In the late 1590’s, he wrote many plays. Many of them were comedies called “The Taming of the Shrew”, “The Comedy of Errors”, “As You Like It”, “Much Ado About Nothing”, and “The Two Gentlemen of Verona.” In that year, he also wrote a tragedy play called Romeo & Juliet. In 1599, the Globe Theatre was built by Shakespeare’s Company. Most of his famous plays that were played in the Globe Theatre were “Othello”, “Mac Beth”, “King Lear,” and “Hamlet.” In 1597, William Shakespeare brought a house for his family in Stratford, England. William Shakespeare retired from the theatre in 1610 and returned to Stratford.
On March 25, 1616, he wrote his will. On April 23, 1616 on his birthday, William Shakespeare passed away. He was buried at the chancel of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford. Seven years after William’s death, in 1623 William Shakespeare’s first portfolio was published with his 154 sonnets, 37 plays, and his 2 long poems. The only thing that is remembered of William Shakespeare’s is his work of 37 plays and 154 sonnets and his 2 long poems.