Signs In A Brown Girl Dead

One meaning that can be associated with the phrase “Dark Madonna” is the Christian’s . The Virgin Mary, however, is represented as a white woman and the girl in “A Brown Girl Dead” is obviously not white nor a woman so looking at the sign literally is not looking at the full meaning of the sign. The Virgin Mary was a pure woman so putting the word “Dark” in front of a pure term might suggest that the “Madonna” is not pure, but is still a symbol of purity. The “Brown Girl” may not be pure, but she is perceived as being of an innocent age and she is dressed in white, which is associated with purity.

If the sign is looked at culturally, the word “Madonna” does not have as much power as it once did. Christians, especially Roman Catholics, used to pray to the Virgin Mary as a way of talking to God, she was thought of more as a spirit than an actual entity that can be touched. When I think of the Virgin Mary now, I get the image of a statue of a white woman in white and blue robes with her arms out like she’s looking for a hug. The image I get when I think of the Virgin Mary is an object that can be touched and not a spirit. Our culture’s view of the Virgin Mary has changed so a person living in a time when the Virgin Mary was a holy gateway to speak with God would have a different meaning for the term “Dark Madonna.” Another sign in “A Brown Girl Dead” is “Death” or “Lord Death” as it is called in the text. Death is a masculine character in our culture and adding the word Lord makes the sign even more masculine.

Death is the only masculine sign in “A Brown Girl Dead” and is made more intense by being the only dark sign in the text as well. The “Dark Madonna” is a dark word followed by a white word, which makes that sign not stand out as completely as “Lord Death.” The word Lord can be used to signify power, but Death already has the power to end a person’s life so now not only does “Lord Death” have twice the masculinity, but also it has twice the power and it is the only sign in the text that is completely dark. Wedding rings mean love, commitment, and are a symbol of a bond between two people. The mother’s act of pawning the wedding ring is taking the symbol of the bond out of the picture. This might imply that since her daughter is dead that her bond with her husband has been broken because some marriages fall apart after the death of a child. If it had been my daughter who had died, I would not sell my wedding ring even if it was the most expensive thing I owned because the symbol of marriage is very important to me.

I would have pawned everything else I own. Perhaps the symbol is not as important to the mother in the text or she feels that she does not need the symbol to have a strong marriage bond. It is not clear, however, if the ring is actually the mother’s ring or if she was saving the ring for her daughter. If we look at other signs in the text, the white all around the girl, the flowers, and the white dress that the girl is wearing can all be thought of as a wedding. If it was not clear that the girl was dead then it would sound very much like she was at her own wedding. Looked at that way and looking at the ring as her own ring that was being saved for her then her mother’s act of selling the ring is more of a positive thing.

If the girl cannot use it for her actual wedding day then it should be used during an event that is close to her wedding day.