Similarities And Differences Of Ancient China And Ancient Egypt

Even though China and Egypt are far away, they share many of the same characteristics. China’s geography, art, and political systems are quite similar, yet different to those of Ancient Egypt. First, we will compare and contrast the geographical differences of China and Egypt. Both of these countries are very isolated.

China, with its mountains to the south and southwest, its seas to the east, and its great wall to the north, was protected from invasion from all directions. Similarly, Egypt was surrounded by seas to the north and east, and deserts to the south and west. This shielded Egypt against the outside world. Even though they are both protected, there some differences in their protection. For instance, China had no natural barrier to the north, so they created The Great Wall of China.

Egypt on the other hand had no need to create a man made barrier. Those are just some of the many examples of geographical similarities and differences. Now we are ready to discuss the similitude and disparities of the arts of Ancient China, and Ancient Egypt. Much was destroyed during the book burnings of the Qin Dynasty.

Even though the Han people tried very hard to replace the lost literature, many of the works of Confucius and other philosophers were lost. Unlike China, many of the early Egyptian arts remain a mystery, not due to the fact that they were destroyed, but because they remain hidden and unsolved. China and Egypt also have likeness in their arts. Both of these great civilizations built huge monuments for their respective leaders. China’s former ruler, Qin Shi Hung Di, had a massive terra-cotta army built to guard his ice cold tomb. Egypt built their first tomb for King Djoser.

These pyramids were built to house the pharaoh’s mummies after their mummification. They were built with booby traps like false doors, and one way entrances to sealed rooms. Those were some of the comparisons and contrasts of the arts of Ancient China and Egypt. Now that we have the arts of Ancient China, and Ancient Egypt, we are ready to discuss their politics. Chinas dynasties and Egyptian pharaohs were both dictatorships. Contridictingly, in Egypt you had to be of noble descent to claim the throne, but in China a simple peasant could work his way up and become a nobleman.

An example of this would be Qin Shi Hung Di who rose from peasant status to become the leader of the Qin dynasty. Those are specimens of likeness and difference in art between Ancient China and Ancient Egypt. As you can now see, Ancient China and Ancient Egypt had several similarities and disparities when it came to their geography, arts, and political systems.