Smaller States Prussia Germany Unification

The debate About “Blood and iron” & “coal and iron.” Explain Bismarck’s involvement in the above the debate and the role of economic growth. What role did nationalism play? The unification of smaller German states was very important to the eventual Unification in 1871. The main factor for the unification of was the Napoleonic wars that led collapse of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 and the confederation of the Rhine set up by napoleon from 200 small states became 39 larger but still individual states. With the eventual defeat of Napoleon I in 1815. By the British and allied nations (that include some of the states Germany).

Led to a strong sense of nationalism throughout the smaller states of Germany. With the congress of Vienna founding the German confederation led to the very first steps to a unified Germany. The main pushing force behind a unified Germany was the liberals and middles class who were strongly behind nationalism. Witch led to the mass movements for a unified Germany. A good point this makes because it is well known that Bismarck was an anti liberal conservative Junker and who wanted the power to stay with the monarchy and Prussia’s dominance’s over the northern German states. A Very important event witch backs up the statement “coal and iron.” After the defeat of Napoleon and at the congress of Vienna gave Prussia (a country with few natural resources) the rich lands next to the Rhine rich like the saar mines with coal and iron making them the richest country in central Europe in natural resources.

From 1815 to 1848 the Prussia economy grew steadily then in 1850’s and 60’s she saw her first industrial revolution witch led to mass industry thanks to people like Hey dt. Who saw increased railway track from 3869 km to 7169 km in the 60’s to 11, 523 km in the 70’s. Also the saar mines increased from 700, 00 to 2. 2 million in the 60′ the steal industrial increased greatly thanks to the greatest chemical industry in the world at the time. Another factor was the banks growth giving people the chance to save money. A big importance for the economy was such people like Stein and Hardedburge who abolished seldom witch led to revile industry that help to create a faster growing economy that led to the military expansion and growth that Bismarck refers to has how he will gain power and unification in Germany through ‘blood and iron’ referring to the wars he was planning.

A big factor in the unification over the smaller states was the creation of the Zollverein by Prussia in 1834. To create free trade between the German states excluding Austria the main rivals in the German confederation to a unified Germany under Prussian rule. The Zollverein gave the chance for the smaller states to following the footsteps of Prussia whose industrial powers was a threat. The Zollverein led the states to favour Prussia over Austria who was in many ways still a backward country for example the economy was still based on agriculture and the government was very backwards but so was Prussia in that sense but it had a cover-up with Reichstag giving the man a vote for some sort of powers but basically meaningless. Bismarck without a doubt was a huge factor in the unification of Germany being from an Aristocratic Junker Family he was brought up a conservative and became German prime minister in 1862. He despised liberals and democracy.

The time he became prime minister the plan of unification could not pass thanks to the conjunction set up by Austria in the German confederation. Also in his time as prime minister he could only see the unification through war like he said the “blood and iron” speech. Unification came about after 3 wars that Prussia fought that he new he could win. The first was against Demark who controlled Schleswig and Holstein he released theses states from there control. Also he had a piece treaty between Austria but is quoted on saying ‘when the army has been brought to a state to such as to command respect then I shall take the opportunity to declare war with Austria burst the German confederation bring the middle and smaller states and give Germany a national union under Prussia’ this back up the argument that he planed unification all along for the whole of Germany and that he was going to attack Austria that he did and kicked them out the confederation. That last wars was with France thought to be the strongest nation in Europe a real gamble for him he took full advantage of the situation in Europe at the time forcing France to declare war on Prussia making the southern states who were more inclined to favour Austria and France over Prussia.

He successful defeated France with them out of the picture the German states had no choice but to come under the rule of Prussia. Another factor that is closely related to Bismarck’s success in the unification of Germany was the situation of Europe at the time that’s brings up the question did he plan unification or was the situation just right for it to unfold. The situation in Europe had been unstable from the end of Napoleon I. a big factor was the Crimea war mid 1850’s between the allied nations of England, France and turkey the Crimean coalition against the threat of Russia taking Constantinople the so called gateway to the east this was a threat to British empire.

With the defeat of the Russians this led to social problems back in Russia and there loss of faith in army Bismarck saw in the polish revolution a chance to ally Prussia with Russia who would help with Austria. Also led to great losers of the British army who also lost interest in Europe and focused on the empire and navy leaving a small army to defend Britain in Europe. But this was the opposite for France under the rule of Napoleon III who led the ‘war of liberation’ in north Italy. But in 1870 Bismarck played France into his hand with diplomacy with the situation in Spain having no monarchy Prussia put a candidate forward. This Upset France who feared being surrounded by enemy’s and demanded that they withdraw.

That they did but the mistake Napoleon III made was that he demanded Prussia never put forward someone. This upset Prussia and became a threat in the end France declared war on Prussia this made the southern states think that Prussia was the innocent country and France the aggressor. Conclusion In view I believe that Bismarck did have a plan to unite the Northern German states from the very beginning but also he had plans to attack Austria 1 st chance he had like Bismarck said when the army has been brought to a state to such as to command respect then I shall take the opportunity to declare war with Austria burst the German confederation bring the middle and smaller states and give Germany a national union under Prussia’. Styles and framer backs this up by Stating that Bismarck said ‘one should always have two irons in a fire’ this backs up what I said about him having more then one plan at a time. Also I believe he took full advantage of the situation in Europe at the time with such events took places like the polish revolt he probably would never of had a chance to form an a alliance with Russia. Also with Napoleon III on the French throne if he wasn’t there would be a good chance France might not have undermined the Austrian power in the south with the War of liberation or gone to war with Prussia over Spain A.

J. P Taylor backs my statement up By stating ‘that he was a opportunist cleverly exploits other mistakes’. Finally forcing the southern states to join Prussia to create Germany.