Social Conservative Conservatives Enterprisers Democrats

1. My ideological typology is a Social Conservative. Social Conservatives are second in church attendance to the Pro-Government group and are very aggressive (second only to the Enterprisers) in regards to foreign policy. Social Conservatives are also known as Moralists or Moderate Republicans. They are considered to be very conservative on issues of social importance. Social Conservatives are most similar to Enterprisers, but differ in their opinions of how fairly businesses operate.

Social Conservatives tend to be cynical in their views of big business, politics, and programs for the poor and immigrants. Social Conservatives tend to have a negative outlook on issues dealing with abortion and gay marriage; they are also for a more aggressive policy when dealing with other countries. They aren’t really convicted too much one way or the other on issues dealing with life here at home except they are not impressed with the idea that businesses have been given the amount of power that they have with not much regulation. Social Conservatives in general support the government actively preserving the environment. In reference to how Social Conservatives stack up demographically: 56 % own a gun, 51% attend a Bible Study, and 53% go to church, they are mostly white (91%), female (58%) and almost half live in the southern part of the U.

S. The average age is 52% with 47% being 50+ in age. 43% are Evangelical Protestants, which is more than twice the national average. As a Party 82% are Republican and 18 % are Independents.

2. There are a whole host of issues in which we can all be evaluated on how we think and there are those who would argue or agree with us.

Here are nine of the ones that interest me most.

a. Domestic Issues: Social Security, private assets or being allowed to donate some of your social security pay to private retirement accounts. Social Conservatives have a 56% approval of this. The closest groups are tied at 59%, which are the Pro-Government, and the Upbeats. Social Conservatives are least like the Disadvantage Democrats (17% in favor) on this issue.

b. Social Issues: Abortion. Enterprisers and Social Conservatives are on the same page on this issue at 54% being in favor of it being made harder to get an abortion. Pro-Government Conservatives come close at 53%. Social Conservatives have the least in common on this issue with the Liberals (10%) and the Disadvantaged Democrats (22%).

c. Supreme Court: How important is the next Presidential appointment? 47% of Social Conservatives think this is very important. As a group they fall behind the Enterprisers, and the Liberals at 59% and 49% respectively. The Bystanders at 19% and the Conservative Democrats (28%) are at the opposite end of the spectrum from the Social Conservatives.

d. War In Iraq: Keep Troops in Iraq? Social Conservatives fall in behind Enterprisers in this area, 81% versus 88%.

Other groups with similar feelings are the Upbeats and the Pro-Government Conservatives with 72% and 68% respectively. There is not such a huge difference between the groups as we have been led to believe, with the Disadvantaged Democrats coming in relatively high at 26%.

e. Security and Defense: The Patriot Act. Social Conservatives fall farther back from the Enterprisers than I thought they would at only 53% in favor of the Patriot Act. The Upbeats are closer to the Social Conservatives in this area.

Disadvantaged Democrats again are the opposite on this subject at 8%.

f. Trade and Immigration: Outsourcing’s Impact. Everyone but the Enterprisers (43%) and the Upbeats (55%) seem to rank about the same on this subject. The Disadvantaged Democrats seem to be the most worried about it. The National Average is 69% and most groups are right around that area as well.

Social Conservatives are close to the National Average at 69%.

g. Taxes/Budget: Prioritize tax cuts or deficit reduction? Again Social Conservatives are close to the National Average at 31% (National Average 32%) in favor of cutting taxes. Most groups seem to be more concerned with reducing the deficit. The Enterprisers are 50% more in favor of cutting taxes. More than any other group.

Social Conservatives in this think the same as the Conservative Democrats (31%) and are close to the Disadvantaged Democrats (32%).

h. Politics: Bush’s Job Approval. Social Conservatives are more like the Enterprisers (95%) in this area although they still aren’t as positive at 88%. The Disadvantaged Democrats only give Bush a 4% approval rating, which is lower than the Liberals at 11%.


Favorability Ratings: Hilary Clinton. Enterprisers give her the lowest approval rating at 1%, but the Social Conservatives come in fairly close at 6%. At the other end however, the Conservative Democrats give her a 44% approval rating. Not as high as I originally thought, but very interesting.

3. Although I found these results to be interesting, I found that I fall in line more with the Enterprisers on several of the issues.

I confirmed that I am least like the Liberals and the Disadvantaged Democrats. On the issue of the Social Security investments, I definitely lean more towards the Enterprisers. On the issue of abortion I was surprised to see the percentage so low for the Social Conservatives. I am much more opposed than the graph indicates.

The importance of the next Supreme Court appointment is another example of my feeling being more along the same path as the Enterprisers. I feel like I fit in with my group on the issue of the troops in Iraq. As to the Patriot Act, I think more in the way of the Enterprisers than the Social Conservatives. I was really surprised at the number of people, especially the Enterprisers, who do not feel bothered by the outsourcing issue, so I would have to say that I feel more like the Disadvantaged Democrats on this issue. I think the tax cuts versus deficit reduction is about right for me. They are both important, but there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed before either one can be pursued.

On the issue of George W. Bush’s job approval rating, again I feel more in the way of the Enterpriser’s than my own group the Social Conservatives. I agree with the Social Conservatives on the favorability of Hilary Clinton. I would however agree more with the Enterprisers as well on this subject. So I feel that I identify more with the Enterprisers on more subjects than I do with the Social Conservatives..