Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’ / Catharsis & Audience Identification [ send me this paper ] A 5 page paper on the process of ‘tragic catharsis’ in Sophocles’ classic play. Beginning with a definition of tragedy which includes the concept of catharsis, the paper shows how audiences watching Antigone empathize by putting their own self-doubts up there on the stage, and symbolically work them out right alongside Antigone. Bibliography lists 2 sources. Filename: Cath aud. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’ / Heroism [ send me this paper ] A 5 page paper examining the question of whether there is a true hero in Sophocles’ play.
The paper concludes that for the twentieth century reader both Creon and Antigone seem like victims. Bibliography lists 2 sources. Filename: Hero ant. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’ / Role Of The Chorus [ send me this paper ] A 5 page paper on the role of the Chorus in this ancient Greek play by Sophocles. The paper concludes that the Chorus represents the point of view of the average person in the audience.
Bibliography lists 4 sources. Filename: An chorus. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’/ Character’s Foolishness [ send me this paper ] A 6 page argumentative essay entitled ‘Antigone’s Childish Defiance: A Pointless Death.’ Writer argues that Antigone acts irrationally in defying Creon and could have developed some better and more productive way of coping with her brother’s denied burial. The writer feels that Antigone acted of her own freewill and that there is no underlying theme of fate present in the story with regard to her ultimate demise. Bibliography lists 3 supporting sources. Filename: Antigone.
wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’/ Creon as a Dedicated Statesman and Altruistic Idealist [ send me this paper ] A 3 page paper based on Antigone, defending Creon’s dedication to the State and his role as a divine leader under Zeus. The writer argues that the defense of his ideals destroyed everyone he loved and broke his spirit, but he remained true to the defense of his statesman role nearly to the end. It is shown that Homer’s intent was to demonstrate the consequences of actions rather to condemn Creon for his convictions. No additional sources cited. Filename: Creon 3. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’/ Creon As A Tragic Figure [ send me this paper ] A 5 page paper discussing the characterization of Creon in Sophocles’ play, and how he fits the traditional definition of a tragic figure.
The paper traces Creon’s development through the play, arguing that although his self-righteousness and inflexibility did not change until the end, his motivations degenerated from patriotic ones to personal ones, creating much of the tragic element. Bibliography lists three sources. Filename: Creon. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’/ The Author’s Masterpiece [ send me this paper ] A 7 page paper on Sophocles’ infamous play. The writer includes biographical information on Sophocles. A general plot analysis is provided, with commentary and some quoted lines from the play.
Antigone was written around 441 BC and presented at the Athenian annual drama competition where Sophocles was a frequent winner. Filename: Anti. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’/ The First Feminist [ send me this paper ] A 5 page essay that looks at Antigone from a feminist viewpoint. By asserting her individuality, she became free yet she remained a prisoner of her beliefs since by obeying her conscious she faced death. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Antigone. wps Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’/ The Patriotism of Creon [ send me this paper ] A 3 page essay discussing the characterization of Creon in Sophocles’ play. Special emphasis is placed on presenting a defense of Creon as a patriotic man who believes he has the Gods on his side. No additional sources cited. Filename: Creon 2.
wps Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus The King’ / Bound By Determinism Or Free Will? [ send me this paper ] 5 pages in length. Oedipus the King represents what happens when one tries to interrupt fate and abandon responsibility. Having grasped the meaning behind Oedipus the King, the writer easily argues that Oedipus was more than significantly overruled by determinism rather than free will. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Det will. wps Sophocles’ Antigone vs. Homer’s Penelope [ send me this paper ] A 7 page paper that compares two main characters in Sophocles’ Antigone and Homer’s Odyssey: Antigone and Penelope. These two women share a number of common characteristics and make similar determinations in regards to morality and family duty. Though the outcomes are significantly different, the inherent qualities of these two women are considerable. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Antibody. wps Sophocles’ Oedipus & Shakespeare’s Othello / Use of Irony [ send me this paper ] A 5 page research paper that compares the use of irony in Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ and Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus Rex.’ Both Othello and Oedipus, two of history’s greatest tragedies, have irony as a key ingredient to their make-up. In each case, pride overcomes other human emotions and this quality, even more then jealousy in the case of Othello, can be argued as the tragic flaw that causes the downfall of each protagonist. Bibliography lists 2 sources. Filename: Oe doth. wps Sophocles’ Oedipus The King / Oedipus [Himself] As A Tragic Hero [ send me this paper ] A 5 page paper discussing Oedipus the King as a tragic hero, according to the definition set forth by Aristotle.
Bibliography lists 2 sources. Filename: Tried. wps Sophocles’ “Antigone” [ send me this paper ] A five page paper looking at the issue of righteousness in this classic drama by Sophocles. The paper argues that Antigone is in the right because her actions spring from a higher authority than the law she breaks. Bibliography lists four sources. Filename: KBantig 3.
wps Study in Tragedy / Sophocles’ Oedipus the King [ send me this paper ] A 5 page essay on how ‘Oedipus the King’ is a definitive example of tragedy. Elements of plot, the role of the Chorus, and the theme of guilt are discussed in great detail to help explain how the circumstances of this particular story are in line with the classic definition of ‘tragedy.’ Bibliography lists 5 sources. Filename: Oedipus 2. wps.