The basic outline of the program is simply two speakers for no longer than 30 minutes and a 1 hour workout session. One of the speakers will be talking about nutrition and the prevalence of heart disease and other related issues in the black community. The other speaker will be talking about personal fitness and how to have a balanced workout regimen. After the speakers are done, everyone can basically workout. I am going to ask the CRC if its possible for them to play a RnB radio station for the hour.
To publicize the event, I want the theme to be something like “Getting Right for the Spring” or something to that effect. My goal is just to get as many black people as possible working out together and giving everyone a little more insight as to how to shed a few pounds or live a healthier life style. As for everyone in the chapter, the only thing that really needs to be done is the decorations and gift for the speakers. Rhonda and Mya, the only thing we really need is a banner with the name of the program and maybe like 4 balloons or whatever at the door. I really don’t want to waste money on decorations since it’s not really a table, and we won’t be in the room for very long. Esi, for the speakers, I was thinking maybe a $15 gift card to Barnes and Noble.
I would like for the program to start at 8 because the program is on a Wednesday and we have a NPH C meeting that night. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, just let me know.