All forms of stealing are unethical, but the one that is most atrocious is plagiarism. Buying papers is the worst offense in college. It can hurt your permanent record. Plagiarism should be irradiated for 3 reasons.
First, students should be aware that plagiarism has a negative effect on the grade in the class. Many colleges require that students accused of plagiarism not only face judicial board, but also face the vice president for academic affairs. The judicial board sanction can cause a student to earn not only a failing grade on the assignment, but also a failing grade in the class. what an embarrassment to tell your peers that you ” ve been failed out of a class for a bone-head decision like cheating. Second, plagairism can affect a student’s permanent record. Many students must, as part of their hearing and punishment, face the vice-president for academic affairs.
in these cases, it is not unusual for the VPA A to send a note to the college registrar to be attached to the student’s file. In this way, the student is forever branded a cheat. Lastly, plagiarism hurts the others at the college by helping to shape a culture of cheating. The school then gets a reputation for being unethical. When students and their families are visiting the college campus, questions of integrity usually arise from over zealous parents. Students doing admisison tours then must dance around the issue, and this side-stepping becomes quite obvious to the family and any one else in ear-shot.
Most students, and definitely their parents, want to go to an ethical school with ethical students. In conclusion, plagiarism is a huge problem on college campuses, and only students can affect change. Stop cheating. Turn in your friends, and make the college an ethical environment where students work to earn their own grades. If we do this, then we will be the next generation of great leader, not great cheaters..