Students should have a part-time job while attending . There are many reasons why this is true. You learn new abilities on finances, responsibility, compatibility with others, and to simply earn money for future use. Getting a career early on in your life also helps you decide what you want to become later on in your life. Students will mostly just get a job for the money, but it also is a very good learning experience. The majority of students coming out of high school will either go to college or university.
The average tuition fee in Canada, for 2003/04 will be at a high of 4025 dollars. Some parents can not afford this, let alone some students. If students acquire jobs while they are attending high school they can find themselves more financially secure when they get older. Saving your money will also help you with your ability to understand finances. As you increase the net worth of your savings you will realize you have more opportunities to go to even better school, which leads to an even better career. Also, as your income increases, you won’t have to rely so much on your parents to support your college / university funds.
The work world will also provide you with an ability to recognize authority. By learning the many types of managements that are there you will come to understand that if you act inappropriately there will be less of a chance to make up for your mistakes. As related to school, you do something wrong, you will have more of a leeway to learn from your actions. For example: speaking harshly to a teacher may get you sent home, more homework, extra time after school or some other form of punishment, but you will probably be back in the school later on and will have learned from your mistakes. If you speak harshly to an authoritative superior at your workplace you will be simply fired, and no coming back. Through this you will also learn to deal with many people.
You may like them, you may not, but they are you fellow employees and you have to deal with them. If you have a job in high school, you can also use it as a gateway to see if you will appreciate your chosen profession. Related jobs to your career choice will help you decide if you truly want to become fully know ledge d in that field of work. This could save you money and large amounts of time in college / university if you made the wrong choice. For example: you may go to university for a certain amount of years to become a veterinarian and then finally realize that you do not like this field of work. Well if you worked / volunteered at an animal hospital you would have realized this sooner in your life.
In conclusion, having a job while attending high school can help in dramatic ways. It can provide you with financial security while attending college / university . A job can help you recognize who’s the boss and how to respect their authority. If you have a part time job while attending high school it will also help you decide what you want to be and if it is the right choice for a future career path. Teenagers should definitely have a part time job while go through high school..