Stupid People Word Didn Fight

My essay is about stupid people. I feel that people these days do not know who they really are. Most white teenagers think that they are black for some odd reason. I don’t understand why there is such stupid hip hop influence on the world these days. It is really starting to piss me off. What pisses me off the most is the use of the word nigga.

Everytime I hear anybody use this world I feel like hitting them in their stupid mouths so they will shut up. For the most part though I can’t stand it when white people use this senseless word. I mean seriously didn’t we fight a war over the damn word and discrimination against these people. I just can’t believe people lost their lives so they could just call eachother this.

None of this makes any sense and it really pisses me off that people are using this ignorant word as a sign of being cool. There is not much that i can do about it but one of our presidents was murdered because he didn’t want to keep the backs as slaves. In the past though people like Martin Luther King Jr. have died do to the fact that they didn’t believe in discrimination against blacks yet people these days don’t take that in consideration and just through all of his work in the trash using one of the most discriminating words within their hip hop lives which is nigga. You know I guess all that I have to say now is that I hope someone out there will help me fight the use of this stupid and ignorant word by when you see someone in the hall using this word you no longer sit there and let it go but say something and express your feelings about how you feel. Fight it poeple, you must it is your only choice..