Summer Colors Batman Gold Song Fate Silver

The song “Freewill” by Rush us basically analyzing life using metaphors. In the first paragraph you get a few examples of this such as “We dance on the strings”A planet of playthings” and “The stars aren’t aligned.” Some are more obvious then others, but if you think about the lesser obvious ones then you will eventually get it. If you listen to the song you can’t really tell how intelligently written it really is, when you read the whole song on paper that’s when you relies how much thought and time was really put into this song. Looking onto the next few paragraphs’ you get stuff like “You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice” and “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. The first one is end rhyme and the second the chores. Then you get “will choose a path that’s clear”, this means taking responsibility.

In the next paragraph there is a couple of good ones such as “There are those who think that they were dealt a losing hand” and “A victim of venomous fate.” The first one is a metaphor of a card game and the second is like a poisonous fate, kind of like you have a bad fate set for you. and then i went to the party then i went to the you were it summer colors batman gold silver bronze help me riot you from joke humour from then here then now help me meet help then were help me to the you were it summer colors batman gold silver bronze help me riot you from joke humour from then here then now help me meet help then were help me to the you were it summer colors batman gold silver bronze help me riot you from joke humour from then here then now help me meet help then were help me.