May 30, 1960 Dear Tracy, Hey! How are ya? We have not spoken since your family moved to America four years ago. If you still remember… we were 13 years old. The worst years of our lives (1956-you had to go…
). Now… well life is a lot different we are 17-much older. I still go to school… parents believe that both boys and girls should now be educated equally till the very end. Don’t really know what I want to be when I leave.
Anyway, I have to tell you that Australia is so different now. We are almost an American. Everything you have we also have too! Its really cool. Your movies and T. V shows are broadcast here; your style in clothing is so funky; your music and your singers are beautiful. We even have our own ‘King of rock’n’roll’-Johnny O’Keefe, I went to his concert in Brisbane in 1958.
He is so cool. He sings like he invented music. Anyway, I have to tell you that Australia is so different now. We are almost an American.
Everything you have we also have too! Its really cool. Your movies and T. V shows are broadcast here; your style in clothing is so funky; your music and your singers are beautiful. We even have our own ‘King of rock’n’roll’-Johnny O’Keefe, I went to his concert in Brisbane in 1958. He is so cool. He sings like he invented music.
Movies and T. V shows like ‘The Wild One’, ‘Perry Mason’, ‘I love Lucy’ and ”77 Sun Strip’ are all here and are loved by everyone. Marlon Brando in ‘the Wild one’ is great. Where do you get actors like that? Anyway…
I wanted to ask you… when ‘The Wild One’ came out in America; did everyone go out and buy Levis, ripple-soled shoes and leather motor bike jackets? Cause everyone here is wearing ’em. Whatever clothing show on TV from America in Australia two days later and the shops are running out of ’em. I seriously find them interesting and creative.
But it is like people are addicted to American things. People were literally glued to their TV’s when American movies or TV shows come on… I’ll give you an example… when ’77 Sun Strip’ comes on, you can go out into town or even on the streets and there would be barely anybody there. Where are they? They are watching ’77 Sun Strip’.
US teenagers, I think are most influenced by these things. We are a consumer group that provides a massive market for manufactures of clothing, food, games and cars. I don’t know, I really think that we are going crazy, we are so influenced by America, but nobody knows if it’s good or bad for us. I mean… there are no bad effects yet, so I think that it’s mainly good but we are developing quickly and that could mean a bad thing.
(I think! ). Anyway, I hope that I did not bore you to death or offended your country or anything. I mean I can’t wait to come visit you in America some day and see how different or how the same it is. I just wanted to inform you of what Australia has been going through since you left.
People were literally glued to their TV’s when American movies or TV shows come on… I’ll give you an example… when ’77 Sun Strip’ comes on, you can go out into town or even on the streets and there would be barely anybody there. Where are they? They are watching ’77 Sun Strip’.
US teenagers, I think are most influenced by these things. We are a consumer group that provides a massive market for manufactures of clothing, food, games and cars. I don’t know, I really think that we are going crazy, we are so influenced by America, but nobody knows if it’s good or bad for us. I mean…
there are no bad effects yet, so I think that it’s mainly good but we are developing quickly and that could mean a bad thing. (I think! ). Anyway, I hope that I did not bore you to death or offended your country or anything. I mean I can’t wait to come visit you in America some day and see how different or how the same it is.
I just wanted to inform you of what Australia has been going through since you left. Best wishes, Mandy.