The incidence of suicide among the youth (15-24 years old) in the US makes it the third most frequent cause of death. Teenage suicide occurs at an alarming rate and can be directly attributed to three main causes: depression, substance abuse, and relationships. Depression is by far the most leading cause of suicide. Adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide.
Adolescent depression is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged from fifteen to nineteen than cardiovascular disease and cancer. This phenomenon has been rapidly increasing, but only in the last decade has serious attention been paid to the underlying causes. Adolescence is a time of emotional turmoil, mood swings, gloomy thoughts, and heightened sensitivity. It is a time of rebellion and experimentation. Youth suicide has grown so much in recent years because of many reasons. It is easier for a teen to get their hands on tools used in most suicides.
Boys often use firearms to kill themselves and girls often use pills. There are some cases where teens might hang themselves or try other alternative routes other than the norm. Another reason why suicide has gone so high is due to the fact that pressure is modern life are a lot greater. The competition for good grades and college admission is stiff.
It is so hard to do well in today’s world that students often give up or are to overwhelmed and give up by often giving their life away. Teens are also shown more violence on television and in the news. People are killing each other or killing themselves more so in recent years than in any other time period. It is now that kids really see what to do and get ideas when they are feeling down or depressed. Lack of parental interest may be another reason for teens to take their own lives. According to ninety percent of suicidal victims, believe that their families did not understand them.
Others say that when they try to tell their parents about their feelings of unhappiness or failure, their mother and father denied or ignored their point of view.