Thanksgiving Week Things Day

Thanksgiving break from school allowed me to do things I have not been able to do since the semester started and also prepare for the holiday. I was doing all the things I have neglected around the house such as: ironing, gardening, cooking, vacuuming, and organizing. During that week I went shopping for the groceries that I needed to prepare the big meal for the holiday. On Wednesday, November 21 st I spent the whole day peeling potatoes, preparing salads, slicing apples, chopping celery, and defrosting the turkey. I added a new selection to the dessert table for the few who choose to abstain from pumpkin pie. Baked apples with raisin, brown sugar, cinnamon, or vanilla ice cream with raisin sauce were savory choices.

I went to visit my relatives. My nieces and nephews had been asking their parents question like this: “Where is my aunt Violet a.” On Wednesday-or Thursday I set the table with an ivory tablecloth, good china, flower centerpiece, stemware, bowl of bounty, and my mother’s silver gravy bowl. I ate more fattening foods over that week; however, I had more time to run on the treadmill. Even though I did not had to go to school, I was reviewing my English lessons. I am improving my study habits; furthermore, I am getting better grades. On Friday, November 23 rd I woke up early to take advantage of the after Thanksgiving Day sales.

I set my alarm to be at the stores on time. Even If I did not finish all the things I had planned to do, it was great to have one week off!