The was a revolutionary time for literature. There were great writers and great stories told. There were many different events that influenced the authors of this time. The Great Depression and World Wars One and Two were the major events taking place at the time.
The twentieth century’s writers were very descriptive. They talked about a variety of subjects which is good because you can appeal to many different people. In many people’s opinion the writers of this era are among the most talented ever. “The Lake Isle of Innis free” is a poem written by William Butler Yeats. This poem is very descriptive and well written.
The poem is about Yeats’ place to relax. It was dedicated to a place he had during his childhood which he still goes to. He considered that to be the place where he could escape the outside world. He wrote this poem because he wanted everyone to think of their own place that they had to relax. “And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow.” (Pg. 1061, ln 5-6) There are many examples of descriptiveness in this poem.
“I hear lake water lapping with low sound by the shore.” (Pg. 1061, ln. 10) This poem was one of his most popular poems. Another great piece of literature from the twentieth century is the play “Pygmalion.” This is one of the most funny plays written in the twentieth century era. The story was written by George Bernard Shaw. It is about a speech expert named Higgins who meets a street woman who has horrible grammar.
“I ain’t done nothing wrong by speaking to the gentleman” (Pg. 974) He makes a bet with his friend that he can teach her to speak proper English. Higgins makes fun of her bad grammar for most of the play. “There that’s all you get out of Eliza.
Ah-oh-ow-oo.” (Pg. 990) She would have to be his date at a dinner party to prove she could speak correctly. At the party she spoke properly but she insulted the guests at the party. The author was trying to prove that you can change the person on the outside. But you cannot change the person on the inside. “An Irish Airman Foresees his Death” is a very compelling poem.
It is a poem written by William Butler Yeats. The author wrote this poem for his friends son who was killed in World War II. He was a fighter pilot who was shot down in Italy. This poem was written to show how the pilot would be missed. “No likely end will bring them loss” (Pg. 1064, ln.
8) In the poem the pilot predicts that he will die. “I know I shall meet my fate.” (Pg. 1064, ln. 1) The poem is very depressing because it takes you through the last moments of a person’s life. This poem showed how disturbing war could be.
The twentieth century was a great era for literature. All three of these stories were great examples of the descriptiveness that the writers used. They all relate to each other because they were all written by British writers. They are all also very descriptive and well done.
These stories also show the versatility of the writers during this time. One story is relaxing, one is funny and the other is sad. One theme did not dominate the way things were written. This is a good thing because it can appeal to many different people.