The Anzac Tradition Australians Either Migrated From England

I believe that the Anzac tradition is worthy of a celebration and should be celebrated but we should not celebrate it in a happy party kind of way because that would be disrespectful to those that died and their families. So it should be a day of mourning so we can honour those that died in the battle at gallipoli. It was during world war one, which was the first time that Australia went to war as a nation and it was Australia’s most famous battle. The reason why Australia wanted to take part in world war one was because England was involved and at this tine in history most Australians either migrated from England or they had relatives living there and close friends. Another reason why Australia wanted to participate in the war was because the two of the main countries fighting each other were England and Germany and Australia being apart of the commonwealth was all for England and hated Germany. The hatred for Germany at the time was so great, people stoped calling German sheppards German sheppards and changed their name to Alsatians.

Once Australia said to England that we back up what they do and gave them complete control of our navy and troops their first mission and most famous one in the history of Australia, the battle of gallipoli. The battle of gallipoli took place on the coast of Turkey with around 30, 000 Australian troops rowing on to the coast and being slaughtered by the Turkish machine guns. Once the troops had gotten to the hills and had taken cover several other attacks an the Turks took place the battle lasted 8 months until the troops were evacuated and by the end of it all 8, 000 Australian troops had died. After this battle the sprit of the Anzac was born because of the courageous efforts by the Australian forces in trying to invade Turkey. The reason why so many Australians died was because they were meant to land further up the coast where it would have been easier for the troops to get past the shore, but where they landed the Turkish army had machine guns sitting on top of huge cliff faces which made it impossible for the Australians to get passed. So I believe that we should celebrate the Anzac tradition and the battle at gallipoli because of the courage shown by the Australian troops and continuing to fight against the odds.

We also should celebrate this tradition to pay our respects to those 8, 000 that gave their lives for the grater good.