The Assignment Peer Review

You are to actively read the article “Animal Rights and Beyond” and then write an essay in which you present a summary and a response to the article. Your paper will be approximately 6-8 paragraphs in length. You are following the basic assignment guidelines found in PRENTICE on page 188. Prewriting – Complete Nov 3-4 Your annotation of your text and your 2 sided notes are considered your prewriting. You will hand in your 2 sided notes with your final paper. Be prepared to show me your annotations.

PS – The prewriting we did in class in response to the introduction and title of article is also prewriting so be sure to hand it in too! Discussion Board – complete Nov 4-5 You are required to “talk” about the essay on the Discussion Board. This chatting is considered part of your prewriting. Please be sure to AT LEAST post one original comment and one comment in response to another student. This is the MINIMUM you should participate. Your responses should be thoughtful (as in polite) and full of thought (as in you are really trying to look deeply at the subject matter. You can also ask for help understanding a particular section / aspect of the writing.

Drafting – Nov 7 and 10 Your final paper will have an introduction with a thesis statment (largely your reaction to essay), a summary (1 strong paragraph long) and your reaction (3-4 paragraphs) and finally a conclusion. First draft your summary. Then work on introduction and thesis statement. These 2 sections should be completed by Friday, Nov 7 th. (You can send these to me to review over the weekend! ) I strongly suggest using wc or COWL. Sometime during your drafting you need to complete peer review (see next section for details.

) For Monday, Nov 10, bring an entire rough draft to class for professor review. Peer review Have at least 1 peer review your introduction and summary OR your reaction OR your entire draft somewhere along the writing process. PLAY FAIR. Submit your draft to your peer and allow 24 hours for response. When you are the reviewer, be sure to complete your review within 24 hours.

If your partner or group does not play fair, let me know so I can get someone else to help you! Here are your partners: Andrew and Colby (Richard) Cody (Craig), Alana and Seth – each of you respond to 1 person in your small group! WC/COWL As always, I strongly suggest that a draft or partial draft be submitted to cowl or taken to writing center for help. Self-evaluations Yes, of course, you are going to think back through how you completed this assignment. What do you think about your personal writing process? How has it changed since the beginning of the semester? Particularly, what has improved? What is still giving you trouble? Also, what do you think of your final essay? Strengths? Weaknesses? The questions in your PRENTICE text on page 202 could help you frame your evaluation. Final Essay – Due Nov 12 midnight In a folder with all work under my office door like always.