Benjamin Franklin, born on 1706 in Boston. He was the fifteenth of his father’s seventeen children. Franklin’s parents were named Josiah and Ab iah. In 1730, he married Deborah Read, with whom he had two children. The first, William Franklin was born approximately a year after Franklin’s marriage and to whom Autobiography is dedicated.
Because Franklin’s son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one-week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He writes in the summer of 1771 in a small town about 50 miles south of London. In his Autobiography Franklin thanked God for allowing him to live a good life that he has enjoyed it very much. He would have liked to repeat it, although he would correct some small errors if the opportunity arose. But since he could not repeat life, he could instead recollect it. He wrote his Autobiography so his son could know his life.
Even though Franklin recounted some of his family’s ancestry and mentioned all the personal initiative that played a role in his life and career, the topic that is going to be discussed in this paper is how his views on religion changed over the course of his life. Benjamin Franklin stated in his Autobiography that he had become a believer in Deism. Deism emerged during the as a religious philosophy based on a belief in God but not in any particular denominations. According to him Deism is not a religion in the traditional sense but is more like an Anti-Religion in which there are no holy books, no churches and no infallible leaders. Deists believe that they help themselves by helping each other. Deists help others out of altruism.
They should try to make a positive difference in the world, such as helping somebody else and acting with kindness and compassion whenever the opportunity presents itself. Most Deists believed that God was responsible for the creation of the universe and for setting the physical laws of the universe in motion. Benjamin Franklin became a believer in Deism and his religion became important throughout the course of his life. He described God as a watchmaker who created a watch and then let it run of its own accord without interfering in its mechanism. For him, most Deists believed in a noninterventionist God who created the world and humans but watches them from a distance without affecting the outcome of every action. Deist does not subscribe to any particular Christian denomination.
For Franklin, God helps those who help themselves. Along with Deism comes a utilitarian attitude by which Franklin idealized things that are somehow useful or promote pleasure, utilitarianism itself being another ideal to grow out of the Age of Reason. Franklin described and explained his religion of Deism as always being there for each other and helping others without waiting for something in return. Franklin desired to learn more about Deism joined a group named Junto, where they just to meet to discuss their philosophic ideas. This group helped him much because he had the chance to share ideas and his same issues with the group.
This group also helped him to manifest his feelings and ideas in their meetings. The Junto lasted approximately forty years, and expanded substantially later on. While he was worked in this group he proved that he did have a generous side. He followed the religious principle of allowing others to borrow from you when they are in need, and as a result he loaned much money to Ralph and Collins, none of which was ever repaid.
Franklin’s show us here that although he thought it was necessary to live virtuously, he did not mind in any moment to give money to people who did not live virtuously such as Collins and Ralph. His views on religion shows that even though he aspired to be a part of the aristocracy, he is not interested in accruing as much money as possible, and he was always willing to be generous and nonjudgmental in the loaning of his money. For Franklin, money was like a toy which he could give to the person that needed it, he did not care of the status of the person, he just cared if the person really needed He is someone who everybody admired. He helped others who were not good financially. For Franklin money was not everything, for him the most important thing was to help others by being generous.
I think he acted this way because he may thought that it was his duty to do so, for the simple fact that he was following the religious principle of helping those who needed. Franklin’s faith in God and his believes in Deism worked its way into some of his writings, leading him to created the aphorism, “God helps those who help themselves.” This is the reason why he had much success in his career life. He followed this aphorism by improving his writing and his desire to debate skills. Also, by showing an interest in constantly checking himself to make sure that he was improving and did this by seeking the help of his kind father.
His motivation on becoming a best writer helped him in obtaining a better life. Franklin at the age of eight years old entered the grammar school. He also contributed anonymously, to the “New England Courant,” where he had the chance to edit his paper. That was where he implemented free thought and vegetarianism. His decision to better his life made him successful. This pattern of self- improvement was an example of the aphorism, “God helps those who help themselves.” This changed his life completely because he believed that God only helped those who helped themselves, so according to him, he worked hard in order for God to help him as well.
It’s interesting to analyze this because his religions helped him in obtaining a better life. An example of this is what he had to do to become an excellent writer and a classical storyteller of the self-made person in the American society. In my point of view I agree with Franklin’s idea of which God helps those who help themselves. Most people claim when problems come to their lives and asked their selves why is it that God is not there to help them but in reality they do not do anything to better their lives. Therefore I agree with Franklin’s view because in order for God to help us we must help ourselves first. I remember when I was a little girl and my mother always told me this proverb and by that time I could not understand her but now I know what she meant.
In addition, Franklin’s religious helped him to change his life for the better. Deism changes Franklin’s life because in the group Junto he became a better writer. The group also helped him to acquire friends who had his same ideas regarding religion. His religion thought him to be kindness and to become a generous man. Every time Franklin had the chance to help people, he acted with kindness and helped those who needed. For me, Benjamin Franklin is an example of altruism.
He is someone I admire and I wish people be like that. There are times that people really need someone to help them but there is no one in their side to give them a hand. In this case sometimes we wish for Franklin to be alive so he can help those who really need it. From Franklin’s Autobiography I learn that if in our hands is to help others then we should help them without thinking it much. This Autobiography teaches that we all should be close with everyone and there is no reason why we should be mad at anyone because we do not know when we might need that person in our side. When I found out that we had to read this book in class I did not like it at fist because I thought it was going to be boarding but now I am glad I did because I learn much about Deism.
I did not know anything about Deism but because I read Franklin’s Autobiography I understand perfectly what this religion is all about and I know this book will help others to have an idea of what this religion is about and to know a little of the eighteenth century.