The Bean Trees Book Life Woman

BOOK REVIEW Facing new challenges, altering a lifestyle, and getting a whole new perspective of life is what Taylor learns to do in The , by Barbara Kingsolver. This book is about a young woman who alters her lifestyle, and heads out on the road facing all challenges that she comes upon. The Bean Trees is a very good example of how a person’s life can be altered forever by one decision. This book has a very wide range of characters from a schizophrenic cat to a woman who hides Indian fugitives in her used tire store. The Bean Trees also displays many different issues in today’s society. One of the issues is teen pregnancy.

One woman, for example, gets pregnant when she was 14, and now works in a burger store, and leaves her child at the mall drop-off. Another issue, child abuse, is shown when Taylor is given an abused Indian child at a diner and has to struggle to get custody of her. I think that this book is a very good choice for woman of all ages, or a mature male. So, if your looking for a book with many different perspectives of life, women’s humor, and a look at the real world; this is the book for you. got to go to me did he she it we they if u want to u can do it all day long horses are my life the rest are just details lackadaisical lackadaisical character list taylor marietta greer luann ruiz estevan esperanza mattie april turtle greer mattie april edna poppy virgie mae valentine parson salic e jean greer mr.

jonas wilford armistead bobby bingo mrs. cleary cynthia.