Curtis Rockwell 10/02/03 Essay English The two poems, “The Beowulf Syndrome” by Cynthia Cheung and “Ozymandias” are two great pieces of work. The Beowulf Syndrome and Ozymandias can by compared in many ways. You can compare literary elements and techniques used in both poems. The Beowulf Syndrome is written in paragraphs of four. In this poem Cynthia tells about the novel Beowulf. In the beginning of the poem she write “specks of sand under darkened sky” this is a metaphor in which sand is really man.
In this poem humans are shown as “poor.” This is because the believed they could master time and their work could last forever. “With time out of reach.” This did not happen because “once more the sands as flat as Haorot’s shadows Crabs sidling in men’s vanishing footprints. Man didn’t achieve their goal to live forever. They returned back to the sand. The poem Ozymandias is a fourteen line poem in which the first eight lines get answer by the last six lines. In line eight “the hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed” is a metaphor.
“The hand that mocked them” is really the sculptor hand mocked the king. And “the heart that fed” is the king feeding on power. In this poem Ozymandias is powerless. In both poems there are some sounds and tone. Like in The Beowulf Syndrome. She also wrote some alteration in the 2 nd paragraph of the litter “T” in the 3 rd and 4 th line.
“Only to turn on themselves biting their own tails, forgettable feats.” This rhyming scheme is also like in Ozymandias. ” I met a traveler form a antique land who said: two vast trunk less legs of stone stand in the desert… near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command.” There is also some irony in the last five lines. When he said “My name is Ozymandias, king of all kings look at my works, ye Mighty, and despair! The ironic part is that there is nothing their as we read on. “Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of colossal wreck, boundless and bare.” Everything falls apart.
In my opinion these poems are mush alike. In both of the poems, mankind think they have something but they don’t. In The Beowulf Syndrome man thinks they could live forever but they can’t they return back to the sand. And in Ozymandias he thinks he has luxurious city and he thinks he has everything but he doesn’t, everything is in ruins. These two poems are fantastic. And they have many similarities.
These are some of the ways you can compare both poems attitudes toward human pretension and some specific literary elements and techniques.