Mesoamerica, which literally means Middle America, is a term that “refers to a loosely defined cultural tradition that characterized much of pre contact Mexico and Central America.” Mexico’s Golden Age is also known as the Classic Period. The classic period dates back from the period 300 to 800 A. D. ; the golden age is full of many endeavors. This period concentrates on the Mexican civilization and their artistic accomplishments, monumental architecture, religion, and science. The Maya was a group that evolved during the classic period.
This particular group fascinated me with their cleverness. I have chosen the Classic Maya as the most interesting piece that makes up the Golden Age. The Maya was a group included in the classic period. Throughout time this civilization has been considered the most brilliant. There were many important centers commenced by the Maya. Their trace can be followed through Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yu cat ” an, and Quintana Roo.
The Pet ” en, in northern Guatemala, perhaps could be considered the mainland of the Classic Maya. During the time of the Classic Maya, religion was the unity to have a growing society. Over the years, religious rank became heredity. The priests / kings would possess their authority from the gods.
Priests held high social status. Priests provided guidance to the noble class warriors and intellectuals, artisans, skilled labors, and peasant farmers. Priests held all of the knowledge of the society. The Maya based their civilization on war. Intellectual priesthood ruled the society. Maya kings were believed to be peaceful; however, scholars have taught us that some of the Maya kings would begin war with their neighbors because of material and ritual reasons.
The reward after these wars would be a different king humiliated and sometimes taken out. Kings would keep a record of their victories through monuments. Another admirable trait of the Classic Maya was the way they constructed complex buildings. The Maya had great energy. It is believed that these masterpiece pyramids were religious centers dedicated to their gods. These centers throughout time were considered cities.
The pyramids built by the Maya were more narrow and steep compared to other groups. The Maya was able to raise their architectural structures up to 230 feet. Temples, palaces, plazas, ball courts, and reservoirs added to the beauty of these pyramids. The purpose of all the hard labor used to construct these buildings was to please the gods.
A few gods that these pyramids were offered to was Chat (the rain God), god of the son, goddess of the moon, and gods that were worshipped for the bounty of fire, maize, frijol e, and vegetables. It is amazing and very admirable how the Maya would sacrifice anything to please their gods. I think it is so wonderful how the stones were cut pleasingly to the eye. I can’t even begin to understand how this was accomplished without any metal or the wheel. That is what strikes me the most. Their cleverness surpassed their necessities needed for building.
I am amazed because so much thought and hard work was taken from the Maya, while their only concern was to please their gods no matter what it took. I would like to acknowledge the Maya devotion to their religion because they probably worked day and night on these pyramids for their beloved gods, while some of us Catholics complain about attending church for 45 minutes once a week. That is simply admirable. Not only can the Maya be admired for their great monumental architecture but also their art in ceramics was divine.
The classic Maya had beautiful ceramics in forms of bowls and cylinders. These masterpieces were used to record events. The murals created by the Maya were exotic. They portrayed more on the human body. Through these arts we can depict much information about their lifestyles. Much of the Maya art forms are embellished through ornamamental jewelry and dress.
Jade was huge for the Maya. Their artwork contained figures with cranial deformation that flattened the head in the front and the back, tattoos on the body, and filled teeth. The cranial deformation was considered beauty to the Maya. They were indeed masterpieces that were very vigorous. The most intriguing characteristic of the Classic Maya is their scientific knowledge. This makes them stand above all the other groups in my opinion.
The Classic Maya are noted in ancient America as the first scientists. Astronomy and mathematics were some of the accomplishments of the Maya. Based on their invention of the mathematical concept for zero, the invention of the numerical system was accomplished. Through the Maya knowledge of astronomy and mathematics they were able to construct the world’s most accurate calendar. The Maya calendar had 365 days and their ceremonial calendar had 260 days. The calendars were impressive! Farming then became scientific.
Careful consideration of planting cycles was crucial, but the calendar allowed a more accurate calculation of the seasons. The calendar granted much advantage. It is striking to observe how much knowledge the Classic Maya held. It should even be embarrassing to the weather forecasters now days that they can’t even predict accurate weather with advanced tools.
The Classic Maya based their crop production around impressive science and it brought them many years of production. Along with the calendar the Mayas used techniques such as terracing and branches for their agricultural needs. But perhaps the most astounding method was the slash and burn technique. The slash and burn technique was without doubt very incredible. They would slash the forest and burn it. Thus the ashes would be used to fertilize the soil.
It was amazing how this technique was used to feed the large populations. Till this day, there is no explanation for the decline of the Maya centers. Some believe that the decline could have been because of over populated cities, deterioration of agriculture, or perhaps because of the continuing warfare between kingdoms. There are different reasons that come from different places and there possibly could have been a combination of factors for the decline of this great civilization of Mesoamerica. In any event, the Classic Maya were indeed brilliant.
The Golden Age was a period of many achievements. The religious devotion, monumental architecture, beautiful ceramic art, and the impressive science were the grand characteristics of the Classic Maya. This group detoriated but left an impressive trail that till this day we seek to learn more and more about their brilliant civilization.