The Chesapeake Region And New England In 1700

The majority of people that had settled both the and New England were English, but there were many reasons why each became their own distinct society. The people that settled in New England had different agendas than those that settled in the Chesapeake region. The different types of people that were settling into these two areas also had an effect on how the different societies were formed. Each region also had a different climate, land and resources that played a role in the growth of each culture. By 1700, New England and the Chesapeake region had grown into their own unique society. The people in both regions had different reasons for settling in the New World.

Those that traveled to New England had wanted a society based on religion. They wanted to be a model for other cities and towns with religion as its base. (Doc E) The people that came and settled in the Chesapeake region came here to make money. They didn’t have a structure, or a base for their society.

ADD SENTENCE HERE! ! ! There was a difference in the type of people that moved to both of these regions. Mainly people with families had gone to New England. (Doc B) These people in the New England area had set up plantations. (Doc D) On the other hand, the people that had gone to the Chesapeake region were generally single men. (Doc C) There were a handful of women that had gone to the Chesapeake region too. This area was driven by money as opposed to New England being driven by religion.

The men in the Chesapeake region worked all the time and the people in New England had orders to make religion their number one priority. (Doc E).