The Communist Manifesto. By and Friedrich Engels. (New York. Penguin Classics, 2002. ) It is plain to see that in The Communist Manifest Karl Marx is trying to make everyone agree that communism will solve a lot of problems. He believes that having different social rank creates a lot of stress on the modern industry.
He believes that if the modern industry keeps going at the rate it is going it will eventually lead to a revolutionary war between the proletarians (working class) and the Bourgeosis (capitalist), and the proletarians will eventually overthrow the Bourgeosis. The Communist Manifesto is written in a thematic structure. Karl Marx separates every section by the different parties and what they believe. This book has an analytical nature.
He believes having no social classes, individuals not being able to own private property, and society having no state will end a lot of the world’s problems. Karl Marx backs up everything he says with evidence or very strong persuasive thoughts. It is often hard for me to clarify the difference between evidence and strictly opinion because I do not know if what he has written really happened or if he just wrote how he viewed things happening. For Example, (” The Bourgeosis has subjected the country to a rule of towns it has created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has rescued considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life 224.
) He has made sure no other arguments are possible from his conclusions. Everything that Karl Marx has written in The Communist Manifesto supports his argument for communism. He covers every source that might even come close to helping his argument. The book is written in a well organized manner. The presentation is logical, although communism does seem logical. The Communist Manifesto maybe easier for a person with a higher education to understand.
However, I did find the argument that Karl Marx made very interesting. It certainly made me look at the matter at a deeper level. I do have to say The Communist Manifesto was the most difficult book I have ever read. I agree that it sounds like a good idea to make everyone in the world equal, but it is just not possible. I do not think communism is a reasonable form of government.
I understand that the different social classes bring stress upon a lot people because some people are not treated fairly, but I do not feel making everyone’s salary the same helps this problem, because people have different jobs in which some jobs are more difficult than others, therefore the pay must vary. It would certainly not be fair to pay a doctor the same amount that you would pay a person working as a cashier at McDanolds. Different people have different goals in life. Some people are more dedicated to reaching their goals so why pay a person that is working hard and trying to make something for themselves the same as a person that could care less about their life and just sits around doing nothing all day.
That makes no sense and surely would not be fair. Sometimes equal is not always fair. As far as making it so no one can own private property that is just absurd. Like I said earlier, a person should get what they earn. Just because some people do not make enough money to own their own property does not mean it would make things fair to take away the right to own property. Karl Marx argues that taking that right away is not a big deal because only a select few own land, but that is not a reasonable argument.
Taking away the right to own private property takes away some peoples privacy, and in my opinion the government has no business intruding in peoples’ lives so long as they are not interfering with anyone else life. Karl Marx believes that there should be no state and everyone should be treated as one, but how is this possible? The whole Globe can not abide by the same rules, simply because there are so many different cultures spread through out the world, and with culture comes beliefs. The rules that are made up for each society are based on the cultural beliefs that each society holds. Therefore, it is not possible to combine everyone’s cultural beliefs together and conform one set of rules for everyone to abide by. There has to be state. Society has to be split into proportions.
There are just to many different people with different cultures that make up the world for everyone to live together in harmony with the same rules. For all the reasons I have given I do not feel that a communist government would solve any of the problems the world has. In fact, I feel it would only create more problems. I believe the best from of government is a democracy. Although each individual may not own property or get paid the same amount as everyone else in a democracy, it is the closest from of government that will treat everyone as an equal, by giving them the same rights.